Another frustrating moment!!!!

Ok…..I have been at this since May of 2009. I have lost approximately 20 pounds which I am extremely happy with. The problem is that since it’s winter, it’s become increasingly harder for me to get to the gym to do the higher intensity workouts that my body is used to. Although I have been working out at home (lower intensity) I really haven’t seen that much of a weight gain and even a small loss. I have been at maintenance for about 2 months utilizing my one ‘cheat’ meal every week. I do have a glass or 2 of wine occasionally but keeping it within my calorie range. But within the past 2 weeks I have noticed that I went up a pound…OK…I figure that since I have incorporated more weight training and less cardio that it is highly likely that this is muscle weight especially since I have noticed a decrease in my inches.

Ok…this morning I step on the scale and I am up another pound. Now, I haven’t increased that much in regards to weight training and I don’t think it’s possible for me to gain muscle weight this soon. I am just so freaking frustrated with this whole weight thing that I am really ready to either give up or do something drastic because I am not understanding what has happened within the past two weeks to cause me to gain. I really hate the way that my weigh ins can actually affect my mood. I don’t know what more I can do. I just want to maintain my weight and be happy.

Maybe it is PMS!


  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Could be water weight. I wouldn't worry about it too much. It very well could be PMS bloating. I usually go up 2-3 lbs, but it comes back off by the end of the week. Drink lots of water.

    Why is it harder to get to the gym in the winter?? No one wants to go out in the winter but when you talk about doing something drastic or giving up my immediate thought is... "Is that really better or easier than getting to the gym in the winter?"

    Looks like you have been doing well. It would be a shame to throw away all that effort.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member

    Why is it harder to get to the gym in the winter?? No one wants to go out in the winter but when you talk about doing something drastic or giving up my immediate thought is... "Is that really better or easier than getting to the gym in the winter?"

    Looks like you have been doing well. It would be a shame to throw away all that effort.

    I don't understand the whole not wanting to go to the gym in the winter either. I still have to go to work in the winter. I still have to bring my son to school in the winter. I still have to go to the grocery store in the winter. I still have to stand out in the cold to pump gas in the winter. So I Still havt to go to the gym and exercise in the winter. It is a lifestyle change it doesn't change season to season. Just get your head into it and get back in the gym.
  • sayuri1
    sayuri1 Posts: 111
    I agree with the comment above, it may well be water weight. Also if you find it hard to get to the gym during the winter
    why don't you try out workout videos? That's what I've been doing and been losing weight. I would suggest using the
    workout videos that jillian michaels has let out, they've helped out a lot. Also are you doing alot of cardio? or mainly
    building strength?
  • paulkj
    paulkj Posts: 163 Member
    I still work out at home but the workouts aren't as intense as they are when I go to the gym. I also understand what the two posters are saying about life goes on even in the winter, I just find it difficult to do it. Maybe that's my whole problem right there and treat the gym as just that and not something to do in the summer/spring time. I will get up off my behind and make the effort to get to the gym and work out harder at home.

    Thanks for your replies and bringing me back to reality.
  • kkdethunder
    Water weight gain is just plain annoying! I bet that is what it is..

    I'm not sure why it is so hard to go to the gym in the winter, but it is for me as well. I just feel like being snuggled up at home is so much better than venturing to the gym...and I'm not sure about everyone else, but when I say I'll work out at home I usually only last about 10 minutes before I'm spent. I wonder why that is, too?

    Good luck! Nice work so far!!