CALORIES or bust?!?

Hey everyone-this might sound strange to some, but does anyone have issues with getting to their daily target calorie intake? In other words are you having problems eating ENOUGH? I feel like I'd be stuffing myself if I ate the number they are telling me I should and with my vigorous workouts I always am left with excess calories. I've heard that actually not eating enough makes your body hold weight and that people that go on programs like weight watchers, etc. actually do feel like they are over eating when they're actually losing weight.

I used to be mildly overweight...I'm not anymore but I'm still trying to drop 10 more pounds to get down to my goal. I think I eat pretty healthy for the most part but I also feel like the way I eat may be keeping me at a plateau.I just can't force myself to eat when I'm not hungry and i don't end up hitting that target. Does anyone else have this problem or have any advice?



  • RobbinE33
    Hey everyone-this might sound strange to some, but does anyone have issues with getting to their daily target calorie intake? In other words are you having problems eating ENOUGH? I feel like I'd be stuffing myself if I ate the number they are telling me I should and with my vigorous workouts I always am left with excess calories. I've heard that actually not eating enough makes your body hold weight and that people that go on programs like weight watchers, etc. actually do feel like they are over eating when they're actually losing weight.

    I used to be mildly overweight...I'm not anymore but I'm still trying to drop 10 more pounds to get down to my goal. I think I eat pretty healthy for the most part but I also feel like the way I eat may be keeping me at a plateau.I just can't force myself to eat when I'm not hungry and i don't end up hitting that target. Does anyone else have this problem or have any advice?

  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I have the same problem....I have 800 calories left for today...I can't eat that much!!!
  • jburris904
    I end up with extra calories at the end of the day because I have been exercising. I just try to eat 3 meals and 3 snacks so I will not have too many left. If I have eaten 1200 and exercised, then I know I am losing weight because I am burning up about 300-400 calories. As long as I hit my 1200 then I feel good. I try to eat smaller meals so I will eat 6 times per day. I almost never get hungry so I am able to eat less. I don't think it is too healthy to not intake enough calories especially if you are exercising. I have only been doing this for about a week, but I am really enjoying this program. I have about 50 lbs. total to lose. Also, don't forget your water!!!
  • Cassia
    Cassia Posts: 467 Member
    me too but i'm trying to eat more through out the day so i will not have as many at the end. My goal is to eat 2-3 snacks a day as well as 3 slightly larger meals. I just bought cantaloupe and bananas and berries and cliff bar and other healthy higher calorie stuff. ( i have up until now been eating low cal stuff) so we will see how it goes... i found i kinda like having enough to have a star-bucks every now and then:happy:
  • graypink0130
    Oameal has about 300 calories in 1 cup which is also a good source of dietary fiber. I have the same problem, but sometimes I go over my target calories and figure it all works out in the end. I wouldn't force feed yourself but make sure you are getting enough calories in order to be healthy:). Good luck.
  • sbased
    sbased Posts: 14
    I agree I can't do all of the calories that it suggests either because I'm working out. I feel so stuffed and its making me feel that I'm not going to get down to my goal weight in time. I really want to be down 15 lbs by the 14th of April and it may not happen that way. So I would do what feels right to your body and it you are eating the right number of fruits/vegetables and proteins with carbs & fats you should do fine.
  • TheJackyl
    TheJackyl Posts: 88
    Thought I'd revive this as I'm finding myself in the same situation. I am almost always under my calories and find I have to eat less healthy choices at times to get myself within reasonable range of them. Most days I don't worry about it but today I hit the gym and then went visiting a few friends etc.

    After logging my exercise and food for the day I found myself at 1300 calories consumed (at 10:00 PM) with a recommended daily total of 3000 (after exercise). I actually just forced myself to eat enough to get my daily total over 2000.

    I also find the same issue with getting enough healthy fat in my diet and keep a few less healthy choices around the house for when I'm really low on fat for the day.

    None of this is a huge concern for now as I feel good and am losing weight. This does concern me that once I reach my desired I may have to turn to less healthy food again to stop the weight loss.