Is my heart rate monitor / calorie tracker NUTS?

Hi All,
Just wondering if someone could help me. When I do about 30 minutes of cardio either via elliptical or in a cardio kickboxing class, the watch says I burned about 500 calories. The instructor says that isn't right and maybe it is ony 300 or 350. I'm 40 and 247lbs.



  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    If it is a decent HRM with a chest strap and you entered all you vitals into it (gender, age, weight, height) then I'd believe it. If it's one of those watch type that you have to touch periodically then it may not be right.
  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    I am 37 and 242 pounds. I burn about 300 to 350 while doing 30 minutes of elliptical or other cardio according to my HRM. There is a thread on here today about how you can test your HRM to make sure you are getting an accurate reading. You might want to consider checking your HRM to make sure...
  • ACEuhheartz
    What kind of HRM u have?