Lower carbs......



  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    My carbs aren't consider low carb (I keep them at 150 or under) but I try to get most of those from fruit. I think the carb type has really made a difference in my journey. :) The staying away from bread and pasta is what I think has made me feel better.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    A big ole Ham and cheese omelet for breakfast is awesome, and will keep you full for quite a while!
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Have you tried using MFP to lose weight WITHOUT lowering your carbs? Just because you have a belly doesn't mean you have an issue with sugar or carbs. I'm a bit biased against low-carb because I could never do it myself. I love my carbs too much. I have been losing weight just fine, eating lots of carbs every day :P I admire those who can do it, but it's not for me! Just something to consider in case you think going low carb would be difficult for you.

    ETA: Though, I DO stay away from "white" carbs and only eat whole wheat bread, etc. I also try not to eat anything with added refined sugars.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    I honestly feel a lot better. My digestive system is happier.

    I've often looked at some people's diaries and seen they average around 10-15 grams of fibre per day. How does your ... *cough* ... chocolate system not become solidified and backed up?

    Dietary fat is a great lubricant.

  • thr33martins
    thr33martins Posts: 192 Member
    I was thinking that may be fruits and veggies would be unlimited!
    Not for low carb. Banana and oatmeal or far from low carb.

    Then what would be low carb cause I have read that bananas are excellent to eat in the morning and so is oatmeal. I just looked at my oatmeal and it says that it's about 27g of carbs with 4g of fiber and the 1% milk has 13g of carbs. Wow.... now that I look at it, the milk is what does it! Hmmmm.... I thought oatmeal was healthy. Anyways, I usually eat around 150-200g of carbs a day, so I was thinking that if I cut that in half, maybe I would be taking in low carbs.

    Regarding the oatmeal, read this. And no, I am not hocking a book. Someone gave me this link, and has been helping me through the program for free.... IT IS WORKING. It really is! I am as surprised as anyone, but I say again, if you are going to do it, do it all the way. The results are awesome!


    Not sure about skipping breakfast!

    There is interesting science behind it, and though I agree it is an adjustment, it is nothing your body can't handle. The thing about going ULC is that it has made me feel in control of my intake for the first time ever. No cravings, no urges to pop things in my mouth....seriously - I was a constant grazer, and woke up hungry every morning until I started this, and now I eat two good meat-and-veggie meals a day, a protein drink after I work out, and snack on things like pepperoni chips and string cheese. (plus lots of water) The scale is just starting to really respond, but my midsection started to shrink almost immediately. You have to take your mind out of the "low fat" mentality. I agree it is not for everyone, but if you have stubborn core fat, this is a revolution.
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Eating this way for 2012 has helped me go off my type diabetes meds, has curbed cravings immensely, has helped me be satisfied-no hunger.

    Just reading your list in your first post, watch the nuts as they add up fast to a lot of carbs. I suggest you try a moderate approach to protein. It's recommended to consume .5g protein per pound of lean body weight. If you eat much more protein than that, your liver converts that protein into sugar- a process called gluconeogenesis. I'm trying this approach and though I'm only a few days into this moderate approach to protein, I'm starting to see weight loss after a very long 4-5 month stall.

    There are many variations of these ways of eating. Best advice i can offer is eat real food. Steer away from processed food. You'll feel better and your body will thank you.

    Good luck!
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    ...Actually I have a belly on me... I look pregnant! So I'm thinking sugar may be an issue for me. ... I was thinking that if I have a sandwich, I could just use 1 piece of wheat bread instead of 2. Any suggestions on going low carbs most days!

    If you have a belly, it may be caused by something popularly called, "wheat belly." You may have a sensitivity to wheat products. I am low-carb and I consume no wheat any more. It has made such a difference for me. I still enjoy bread, but I get coconut bread or almond bread. Here is a link to Paleo-bread:


    I have used Pork rinds, crunched up in a plastic bag, to make breading for chicken and shrimp. Just remember that eating low-carb doesn't mean you can eat whatever high fat food you want. You should still make healthy fat choices. Do some research and find what works for your life style.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    The basic premise of all low carb plans is simple: EATING FAT does NOT make us fat! Instead, an over-abundance of processed carbohydrates (the normal American diet) causes us to become obese and to suffer from obesity-related diseases. While plans differ in the amount and type of carbs "allowed" - from as low as 20g per day in the "Induction Phase" of the Atkins Diet to quite a bit more but only from very whole grain, low glycemic carbs in the SugarBusters Diet, keeping the amount of carbohydrates eaten lower than average is the cornerstone of low carbing.

    So an overabundance of fat wouldn't make you fat, just processed carbs?
  • thr33martins
    thr33martins Posts: 192 Member
    The basic premise of all low carb plans is simple: EATING FAT does NOT make us fat! Instead, an over-abundance of processed carbohydrates (the normal American diet) causes us to become obese and to suffer from obesity-related diseases. While plans differ in the amount and type of carbs "allowed" - from as low as 20g per day in the "Induction Phase" of the Atkins Diet to quite a bit more but only from very whole grain, low glycemic carbs in the SugarBusters Diet, keeping the amount of carbohydrates eaten lower than average is the cornerstone of low carbing.

    So an overabundance of fat wouldn't make you fat, just processed carbs?

    Correct. If your body isn't burning carbs for energy, it burns fat. It burns through your dietary fat pretty quickly, and then goes after what is stored in your body. Miraculous.

    It's like converting from electricity to gas for your power.
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    The basic premise of all low carb plans is simple: EATING FAT does NOT make us fat! Instead, an over-abundance of processed carbohydrates (the normal American diet) causes us to become obese and to suffer from obesity-related diseases. While plans differ in the amount and type of carbs "allowed" - from as low as 20g per day in the "Induction Phase" of the Atkins Diet to quite a bit more but only from very whole grain, low glycemic carbs in the SugarBusters Diet, keeping the amount of carbohydrates eaten lower than average is the cornerstone of low carbing.

    So an overabundance of fat wouldn't make you fat, just processed carbs?

    Correct. If your body isn't burning carbs for energy, it burns fat. It burns through your dietary fat pretty quickly, and then goes after what is stored in your body. Miraculous.

    It's like converting from electricity to gas for your power.

    That would be miraculous, magical even, alas it is not true
  • I tried low carb for about a month and it worked pretty good for me, I had around 60-90 grams of carbs a day I think, and the carbs I did have I ate them at a specific time, like first thing in the morning I'd have a piece of fruit and some whole wheat bread and right after my workouts I'd have a piece of fruit and that was about it. The rest of the carbs I got were from veggies. Just got to make sure you're still getting enough calories, so replace the carbs with lean proteins and healthy fats like nuts.

    My low Carb meal plan
    Meal 1 - 3 eggs, 2 Whole Wheat Bread, 1 Banana, 1/4 cup Mixed Nuts, 1 cup Low fat Milk, 2 cups Water
    Meal 2 - 8oz Chicken Breast, 1 cup Broccoli, 2 cups Water
    Meal 3/Pre-workout Meal - 1/4 cup Mixed Nuts, Protein Shake
    Meal 4/Post-Workout Meal - 1 Banana, Protein Shake, 2 cups Water
    Meal 5 - 8oz Chicken Breast, 1 cup Broccoli, 2 cups Water
    Meal 6 - 8oz Chicken Breast, 2 cups Water

    I know it's alot of food for 1 day, but I was deployed when I was doing it so I didn't have to pay for any of the food which was nice, and this was a fat loss and Muscle gain Meal plan, I dropped about 2% body fat in that month while keeping my muscle, I was also working out twice a day, about 10-15 minutes of light cardio in the morning and Strength Training and HITT cardio in the afternoon.
  • zentha1384
    zentha1384 Posts: 323 Member
    The basic premise of all low carb plans is simple: EATING FAT does NOT make us fat! Instead, an over-abundance of processed carbohydrates (the normal American diet) causes us to become obese and to suffer from obesity-related diseases. While plans differ in the amount and type of carbs "allowed" - from as low as 20g per day in the "Induction Phase" of the Atkins Diet to quite a bit more but only from very whole grain, low glycemic carbs in the SugarBusters Diet, keeping the amount of carbohydrates eaten lower than average is the cornerstone of low carbing.

    So an overabundance of fat wouldn't make you fat, just processed carbs?

    Correct. If your body isn't burning carbs for energy, it burns fat. It burns through your dietary fat pretty quickly, and then goes after what is stored in your body. Miraculous.

    It's like converting from electricity to gas for your power.

    That would be miraculous, magical even, alas it is not true

    actually it is, if you are low enough carbs (ketosis) and drink enough water your body will literally pee out excess fat. You won't loes anything unless you have a calorie deficit but if you go overboard and maintain ketosis you will maintain weigh :D
  • thr33martins
    thr33martins Posts: 192 Member
    The basic premise of all low carb plans is simple: EATING FAT does NOT make us fat! Instead, an over-abundance of processed carbohydrates (the normal American diet) causes us to become obese and to suffer from obesity-related diseases. While plans differ in the amount and type of carbs "allowed" - from as low as 20g per day in the "Induction Phase" of the Atkins Diet to quite a bit more but only from very whole grain, low glycemic carbs in the SugarBusters Diet, keeping the amount of carbohydrates eaten lower than average is the cornerstone of low carbing.

    So an overabundance of fat wouldn't make you fat, just processed carbs?

    Correct. If your body isn't burning carbs for energy, it burns fat. It burns through your dietary fat pretty quickly, and then goes after what is stored in your body. Miraculous.

    It's like converting from electricity to gas for your power.

    That would be miraculous, magical even, alas it is not true

    actually it is, if you are low enough carbs (ketosis) and drink enough water your body will literally pee out excess fat. You won't loes anything unless you have a calorie deficit but if you go overboard and maintain ketosis you will maintain weigh :D

    AND, it works. It really does. I am the biggest skeptic out there, and I fought this forever, but finally decided to give it a try. It works.
  • zentha1384
    zentha1384 Posts: 323 Member
    AND, it works. It really does. I am the biggest skeptic out there, and I fought this forever, but finally decided to give it a try. It works.

    Same here, this is how I have lost most of my weight, 57 lbs since the beginning of this year :D
  • I too want to do this! My moms best friend lost a ton of weight cutting out all sugar and carbs. I LOVE bread and pastas so this is very hard! I have started and given up so many times! :( I know that my moms friend did the Suzanne Summers diet. Good luck, lady!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    The basic premise of all low carb plans is simple: EATING FAT does NOT make us fat! Instead, an over-abundance of processed carbohydrates (the normal American diet) causes us to become obese and to suffer from obesity-related diseases. While plans differ in the amount and type of carbs "allowed" - from as low as 20g per day in the "Induction Phase" of the Atkins Diet to quite a bit more but only from very whole grain, low glycemic carbs in the SugarBusters Diet, keeping the amount of carbohydrates eaten lower than average is the cornerstone of low carbing.

    So an overabundance of fat wouldn't make you fat, just processed carbs?

    Correct. If your body isn't burning carbs for energy, it burns fat. It burns through your dietary fat pretty quickly, and then goes after what is stored in your body. Miraculous.

    It's like converting from electricity to gas for your power.

    That would be miraculous, magical even, alas it is not true

    actually it is, if you are low enough carbs (ketosis) and drink enough water your body will literally pee out excess fat. You won't loes anything unless you have a calorie deficit but if you go overboard and maintain ketosis you will maintain weigh :D

    Wow, sounds pretty awesome, do you happen to have anything that will substantiate that claim?
  • thr33martins
    thr33martins Posts: 192 Member
    The basic premise of all low carb plans is simple: EATING FAT does NOT make us fat! Instead, an over-abundance of processed carbohydrates (the normal American diet) causes us to become obese and to suffer from obesity-related diseases. While plans differ in the amount and type of carbs "allowed" - from as low as 20g per day in the "Induction Phase" of the Atkins Diet to quite a bit more but only from very whole grain, low glycemic carbs in the SugarBusters Diet, keeping the amount of carbohydrates eaten lower than average is the cornerstone of low carbing.

    So an overabundance of fat wouldn't make you fat, just processed carbs?

    Correct. If your body isn't burning carbs for energy, it burns fat. It burns through your dietary fat pretty quickly, and then goes after what is stored in your body. Miraculous.

    It's like converting from electricity to gas for your power.

    That would be miraculous, magical even, alas it is not true

    actually it is, if you are low enough carbs (ketosis) and drink enough water your body will literally pee out excess fat. You won't loes anything unless you have a calorie deficit but if you go overboard and maintain ketosis you will maintain weigh :D

    Wow, sounds pretty awesome, do you happen to have anything that will substantiate that claim?

    Well, you can certainly do your own research - there is a lot of info out there. Have you ever heard of Google? And it isn't all amateurs like me, who are saying that this works. Doctors, athletes, trainers....there is research behind it. I have done my homework, but I don't have a library of links to post for you. You can do your own. Question, though, why the need to come on here and debunk this perfectly benign, perfectly informational thread? When I saw your first wise-a** post with your wall of abs, I figured you were probably going to be *that* poster, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt. So, know it all, go do some reading and get back to us.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    The basic premise of all low carb plans is simple: EATING FAT does NOT make us fat! Instead, an over-abundance of processed carbohydrates (the normal American diet) causes us to become obese and to suffer from obesity-related diseases. While plans differ in the amount and type of carbs "allowed" - from as low as 20g per day in the "Induction Phase" of the Atkins Diet to quite a bit more but only from very whole grain, low glycemic carbs in the SugarBusters Diet, keeping the amount of carbohydrates eaten lower than average is the cornerstone of low carbing.

    So an overabundance of fat wouldn't make you fat, just processed carbs?

    Correct. If your body isn't burning carbs for energy, it burns fat. It burns through your dietary fat pretty quickly, and then goes after what is stored in your body. Miraculous.

    It's like converting from electricity to gas for your power.

    That would be miraculous, magical even, alas it is not true

    actually it is, if you are low enough carbs (ketosis) and drink enough water your body will literally pee out excess fat. You won't loes anything unless you have a calorie deficit but if you go overboard and maintain ketosis you will maintain weigh :D

    Wow, sounds pretty awesome, do you happen to have anything that will substantiate that claim?

    Well, you can certainly do your own research - there is a lot of info out there. Have you ever heard of Google? And it isn't all amateurs like me, who are saying that this works. Doctors, athletes, trainers....there is research behind it. I have done my homework, but I don't have a library of links to post for you. You can do your own. Question, though, why the need to come on here and debunk this perfectly benign, perfectly informational thread? When I saw your first wise-a** post with your wall of abs, I figured you were probably going to be *that* poster, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt. So, know it all, go do some reading and get back to us.

    I'm familiar with the current body of literature, however I had not come across anything reputable that would substantiate the claim that you would simply urinate all excess fat you consume if you were in ketosis.

    I'm curious as to why you think it would only be beneficial for responses in favor of low carb, no matter how nonsensical they might be, versus having informed responses whether they were for or not for low carb

    Responses daring to question a post in favor of low carb is wise-*kitten*? gotcha
  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237
    1) Don't do a diet that throws you into Ketosis. Don't know why people still recommend this diet.
    2) Drop out all bread/pastas/grains. Not because of paleo and all that, but because you will drastically cut your carb consumption down.

    IMO, stick to starches. White rice, potatoes, yams, squashes, etc. Tons of carbs, tons of fiber.

    EDIT: The reason most people are fat is because they eat more calories than they are burning, and because they don't eat enough protein, so the high calories mix with horrible body composition. Combine this with lack of exercise, especially weight/resistance training and you have a recipe for fat. Hit the iron, you won't be 'body builder big' and you won't become massive. You will build/maintain lean body mass and actually be healthy.