Need ideas for nutrition with Reflux and Gastritis


I was recently diagnosed with acid reflux and gastritis. The stomach pains from gastritis have pushed me to be willing to do whatever is necessary to feel better. I would welcome any food/nutrition ideas that others have used to address the gastritis. I feel like I know how to eat certain foods to avoid the reflux, bu the stomach pains still persist. Thanks for any advice!


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Losing weight and getting the pressure off will be the biggest help with both conditions.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Losing weight is a big help. Taking a PPI (medication like prilosec, prevacid, zegrid, etc) will help a lot as well.

    I found that the biggest food trigger for my GERD is complex carb/sweets. If I eat a lot of bread, pasta or sweet stuff, especially in the evening, my reflux will be horrible. Now that I rarely eat those things, my GERD is quite manageable with a PPI.
  • jbaerbock
    jbaerbock Posts: 85 Member
    I know how you feel, I have had GERD and gastroperesis for 2.5 years now and lost over 100lbs due to problems eating with all of that. I take a RX version of Prilosec along with a Zantac 150 before bed everynight. Loosing weight has helped a lot but the key with acid reflux it to cut out or lessen eating tomato based products like spaghetti sauces etc.. Can still have spaghetti but due alfredo sauce, or can have pizza but due a mediteranian version with oil based sauce or a white sauce. I would also suggest a good probiotic to get things moving through you at a normal pace and lessen any constipation or irregular BM's. I use GoodBelly probiotic drinks as they have 20 billion live active bacteria versus others which have waaay less. Changing eating habits to include more fiber and whole oats can also help. All these things have helped me from personal experiences. Granted I still go everywhere with anti-nausea pills just incase but things have improved. Oh and lower fat foods will also help any GERD or acid reflux issues.
  • NeashasJourney
    NeashasJourney Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you for giving me this advice. I have been working on the changes in my diet since meeting with my GI specialist. I've only been on the Rx version of the prilosec for 10 days and the pain still comes ocassionally, but I'm hoping that continuing these changes, using some of the changes you and the others suggested, and the medicine will make this condition much more manageable. Thanks again and any other ideas are welcome!
  • Findingmyathlete
    Findingmyathlete Posts: 57 Member
    I was diagnosed with Gastritis when I was 21. I think what previous posters mentioned about losing weight helping is absolutely true. I have found that as I have lost weight I have had less problems.

    The other big issue was diet (of course). Initially I went on the BRAT diet for a week when I was having a huge flare up. Bananas, Rice, Apples and Toast. Just to get things under control. Then for awhile I just eliminated all acidic and fatty/deep fried foods from my diet. No tomatoes, citrus fruits. Also no soda or coffee. Then slowly added them back. But even now I limit my intake of citrus and and tomatoes although I can now manage eating them quite well.

    As for medications - I used to be on Ranitidine and Prilosec. I used to chug maalox and tums. But now I haven't had to be on any medications in 4 years and haven't had a flare up in 4 years.
  • NeashasJourney
    NeashasJourney Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks so much for the information. Never heard of the BRAT diet, but I'll definitely keep it in mind if I have upcoming flare ups. So far, I've been nearly 2 days without any stomach pains. For the past 2-3 weeks, I've been pretty diligent in watching what I eat - limited acidic foods, low fat, definitely no coffee or fried foods. Also, I generally feel better with the weight loss so far. Looking forward to that progressing. I think the Rx version of the Prilosec is finally working. Any other ideas/suggestions are definitely welcome! Enjoy your Sunday.
  • NeashasJourney
    NeashasJourney Posts: 9 Member
    Have you gotten used to eating a variety of fruits with the reflux/gastritis? Right now, I'm eating lots of veggies, but bananas are my only fruit since the diagnosis a couple of weeks ago. I want to know if you experienced a trigger food that caused problems - in terms of fruit. And I'm interested in knowing what worked really well for you.
  • Greg3705
    Greg3705 Posts: 122 Member