Scheduled 'cheat / treat' days - what are your rules?



  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    "It's not a challenge!"
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Mine is every Sunday! I eat WHATEVER I want, as long as I don't go over my TDEE which is a bit over 2800 calories. Some people frown on my way of thinking, but I'm not having problems losing, so I do it. You only live once. Don't starve yourself or deprive yourself from the good things in life. Eat them in moderation and all will be well.
  • Caitlinhappymeal
    Caitlinhappymeal Posts: 185 Member
    i eat what ever i want on what ever days, my calorie allowance is there for me everyday to spend on what ever i fancy that day, if i go a little over one day i'll pull it back another, as long as the weeks figures add up i'm fine with that. after working in the nutrition industry for nearly 20 years I've seen 1st hand that labelling certain foods treats and setting aside specific days to eat these foods is not really a sensible approach, it doesn't work in the long term because as soon as you restrict something eventually when you do have it its out of control. just my personal observation of what I've seen :-)
  • katcunock
    katcunock Posts: 664 Member
    my boyfriend and I eat out once a week, and i will eat whatever I like.


    I balance the rest of the day - salad for lunch, etc

    I only have one meal there - no desert, no starter

    We have to talk to wherever we are eating. This typically ranges from 2 miles to about 10. We then walk back again.

    My logic is that i will not be refusing to eat unhealthy foods i like for the rest of my life, so i allow myself to enjoy them in moderation now, so that i can workout how to fit them into a healthy lifestyle. This method helped me lose 43lb pre-mfp, and 10 since joining.
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Different people, different approaches.

    Main thing is to find something that suits you and that isn't going to negatively impact progress made.