How do you keep your motivation up?

How do you keep yourself motivated to keep on working towards your goals?

I find my motivation comes and goes, and really I need to make it stick a bit more! I have lost 2kgs so far, I have another 4kgs to go before I reach a weight I am happy with, but will continue to try to work at it to take it slightly below that. But I find I can stick at it one day, and the next I am completely not interested in exercising.

Do you just push yourself? I know there is no easy answer, but I feel like I need to do something!


  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    How do you keep yourself motivated to keep on working towards your goals?

    I find my motivation comes and goes, and really I need to make it stick a bit more! I have lost 2kgs so far, I have another 4kgs to go before I reach a weight I am happy with, but will continue to try to work at it to take it slightly below that. But I find I can stick at it one day, and the next I am completely not interested in exercising.

    Do you just push yourself? I know there is no easy answer, but I feel like I need to do something!

    Pushing is exactly how I make it happen. I just tell myself "if you don't want to be this fat weak piece of **** forever, you need to get the **** up, get to the gym, and lift until you can barely stand". It's working well for me so far.
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    I just look at my wife and daughter and think back to the night in the ER :heart:
  • cheshireau
    It's very hard, but usually a look in the mirror side on and think, F*** this.
  • supersandyshoes
    It sounds like a bit of a serious talking to yourself to make yourself do it works for some of you, I think I need to just push as you say. Onwards we go I guess, the only way is to keep trying :)