Hi everyone

Hello from good old Japan.

I just recently started at this place wanting a fresh start on my health and weight and hope people will help me out.

Well I'm living in Japan so, welcome to the land of eating rice everyday lol.

Anyways, I'm trying to get my eating habits back on track. I used to do Jujutsu and because of that i went on a mainly meat diet and now I'm trying to get back onto lovely carbs without putting on weight, and i want to lose weight. Ha challenge and a half yes. Also i cant really do much cardio as Ive got a bad knee just out of surgery. I do exercise, i love sports but its a really heartache that i cant do much. I walk 3 times a week for about 20 - 40 minutes, I'm a teacher so i do stand alot. But i also have time constraints so yeah, not alot of free time to do much. But i do what i can do.

Well i hope to meet some interesting people here. Thanks.