I'm ready, are you?

Im up super early today and of course the first thing on my mind is my weight so I weighed and thought hmm not much of a change. I looked in the mirror: hmm not much of a change. I always rotate my seasons of clothes and its that time again so Im bringing out my stuff from last year: a bit painful because I cant wear ANY of the pants from last winter. YIKES.
Why? I lost around 40 lbs last year and had dropped sizes.
How? I used Supreme 90 day and followed the plan by Tosca Reno that came with it.

I gained it back for various reasons but thats not the point anymore. I KNOW what to do,will MAKE the time to do it, got the DVD's in the basement and have the meal plan in the drawer in the kitchen.
So whats holding me back?
Not a damn thing. It wouldnt hurt me to get a DVD player (been using an old playstation to play the dvds) but thats no reason to not get going.
Im back in.
Im starting supreme 90 day again. I promise myself to stick to it and watch the weight fall off. I need the structure otherwise I'll deviate PLUS i've done it before so I know it will work. Last year I cut my carbs until I was down 10 lbs then I started the program. It helped me 1. get a kickstart to my weight drop and 2. I had it together mentally by the end of the week or 2 weeks to be able to eat the foods that were clean. It was just a good detox but nothing that I just HAVE To do now, I've been doing really good with eating a variety of foods and can handle going on more of a regimented small meals every 3 hours.
So that was my only decision, cut carbs for a couple weeks or just take my lard *kitten* downstairs and start workout 1?
Ok Im motivated Im all in and Im starting it RIGHT NOW while I have the momentum.
If you have been sitting around waiting on the right moment, join me now and lets support each other. Lets kick this weight issue's *kitten*! :drinker: EFF being overweight, IM DONE!


  • bonitacubana
    I actually did it!!! :drinker: Feel GREAT.
  • JenniferSpindel
    JenniferSpindel Posts: 56 Member
    FANTASTIC! Stick to it! You've done it once, you can do it again!!!
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    You have no idea how much I needed to read this right now! I am in the same boat as you and it kills me to know that last year at this time I was about 20 pounds lighter :sad: . I am not back up to my starting weight (thank God) but I am within 20 pounds of it. I am in desperate need of someone to kick me in the *kitten* and keep me on track. I know it ultimately falls on my shoulders but it is nice to have someone hold you accountable! I also have Supreme 90 but never did the entire program. You had fantastic results with it! I might have to get those babies back out and dust them off! Thanks for the motivation :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: !
