Taking a "break"?



  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Sometimes I do, but not when I first started. Now that I've been at it for a while and dropped forty pounds, I let myself "not care" when we were in Chicago last weekend. Since we walked everywhere and climbed lots of stairs, I knew that even if I went over, I'd be okay. I made some mostly healthy choices, but I indulged too.

    I came back a whopping half-pound heavier, and the weight was gone a couple days later.

    Also, I eat pretty much the same food every day, so there are days I forget to track but know I'm still within my calorie range. If I have any doubts, I plug it into MFP. If I notice my weight stalling, I start tracking religiously again.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Lol, I've been tracking for nearly a year and not missed a day, if I felt I needed to up my calories for awhile I just did, needed more sweets, fine, done, needed a few cheetos, done. It all goes in the log for god and everybody to see, I don't really care about anyone but my opinion and how can I know what works and what doesn't and detect the patterns that trigger a plateau or a gain if I don't log. Well there you go, but, as a biologist I'm real partial to a "sciency" approach to this. Result, I weigh less now than I have in 40 years.

    Congrats on your progress! If you like a "sciency" approach, you might enjoy this article.

    Edited to add: I track no matter what, whether in deficit, surplus as I am right now for a period of building some muscle mass or on a break. I think the discipline of tracking creates a healthy and productive "mindfullness".
  • pjrbs
    pjrbs Posts: 179 Member
    For me? I wouldn't do it. Too many times I have given myself a 'break' and it turned into complete sabotage. I know for myself I will have to count calories the rest of my life, even after I hit goal weight. And I am ok with that if it means I get to stay healthy and feeling great for years to come, instead of falling back into old habits and regaining the weight.

    I did take a break and it has taken 6 weeks to get back to where I was before my "break" . If it works for you, do it.... but I found out that it doesn't work for me.
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Honestly, I can't...anytime I take a break I start gaining ...then it is back to square one...
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    Absolutely. Sometimes I just need a break from counting every single thing I put in my mouth, so I take a break. I try to remain conscious of what I'm eating and doing but I don't stay strict.
  • Only if I'm away on a short break which isn't very often