What old technologies do you remember?



  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    I have worked on a MS-DOS computer and with floppy disks until I was 15 (I'm 24 now) :smokin: .
    I still know all the codes.

    I still write on a typewriter.

    I also still have a video recorder attached to my tv and I am proud to still use it.

    I think I may have been born in the wrong era.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    In the 90's I thought I was the coolest techie around with my palm pilot and my pager. images.jpg

    At home I had my multi-disc stereo system, and could set it to play "random" for continuous listening. Which was great if you owned compilation CDs (yes, I had the "Now" 1 disc, lol). i0FD.jpg
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I learned to "keyboard" on a manual typwriter

    On the very first FAX machine I used. You had to wrap the page you wanted to send around a tube, then dial the phone and attach the receiver to the FAX It took 3 minutes a page and we thought it was magic. I put this skill on my resume.

    music came on these

    ...was played on something like this:

    When I was a kid if I was lucky I got one of these

    to put in one these:
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Milk came in these:

    In the winter when we had to dry our hair:
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,251 Member
    Log books, for looking up sines, cosines and of course logorithums [sp?] No TV at all, we had one of the first becuase my mum worked at HMV factory so got one in staff sale for the Coronation [1953] black & white only of course

    PS, and blue prints were really blue, you had to put put them out in the sun / daylight & the chemicals in the paper turned the background blue & left the drawing white
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    How about 8" floppies? or LP's and 8 tracks... lol Anyone remember Sun stoves.. use the sun, card board aluminum and wala you have a sun stove/oven.

    Pin hole camera?
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    Anyone remember Radio Shows... ok really I am only 47... but loved to listen to them.
  • RubySinclair
    RubySinclair Posts: 90 Member
    Mimeograph machines--I remember all the handouts in grade school had purple ink and that funny typewriter font--back before copier machines.

    ::: sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffffffff::: I think smelling those sheets gave me my very first buzz! :glasses:
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    This is going to sound funny but...my parents still have their old laser disc player and they sorta transferred it to me. Grin. I did manage to connect it to the tv and it's very different in picture quality. I have the original Star Wars movies but they don't look as good as the new stuff. Sigh.


    I think this is the machine that I still have. Grin. I did find some obsolete movies and I use it as a converter for transferring out of print ones.

    Holy crap! You have the original Star Wars Movies on laser disc?!? Those are worth a fortune! Put that in a safe because those pretty much don't exist any more.

    I wish. Unfortunately, there are lots of people on ebay selling them for between 20 and 60 bucks...so they aren't as valuable as you think. Sigh. I had the same thought initially. :huh:
  • 1z5omdw.jpg

    This was one of my favorite toys as a kid :happy:

    Yes, indeed! I had the Speak 'n Math one, too, but it wasn't as much fun.
  • lherz
    lherz Posts: 27
    Lite Brite was my favorite too!
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member

    This was one of my favorite toys as a kid :happy:

    how many others tried to get it to say "f**k"
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Hah, I like this thread.

    I remember using the card catalog to look things up in the library, the dewey decimal system, paste, manual pencil sharpeners, playing cowboys and indians, soldier, bringing squirt guns to school ... hah.

    I remember when we got our first typewriter and I was in 4th or 5th grade—no more handwritten reports! And also how amazing Windows 3.11 was ... So much better than the old school Macs we used ...

    Also, I had one of the first MP3 players, before anyone knew what an MP3 player was. I remember when I first got it I told everyone about it and how nifty it was. Damn, it could hold 32 MB of songs ... that was almost a whole album if you ripped it at 128 kbps. Everyone was really amazed at the technology of it. Pretty humorous to think about it nowadays.

    Oh, I also remember discussing how it was too bad they'd never be able to make an MP3 player that held more than, say, 120 MB because they wouldn't be able to make a hard drive that would be small enough to carry around ... and don't even think about solid state memory ... even ten years ago it seemed like the only way to make an MP3 player which held more than 500 MB on a solid state HD would be about three feet thick ...
  • I was showing my 12yr old son my Van Halen collection on (yikes) cassette. 1rst thing was "what's this Dad?" next was can you play song number 4...sure, it's gonna be a minute or 2!
  • Chopshopcop
    Chopshopcop Posts: 37 Member
    Ah... the good old days of climbing on the roof to adjust the antenna so all three of the channels would come in clearly! And don't forget the wire hanger that doubled as a radio antenna for the car...almost forgot AM radio was the bomb!!
    Rick Dees on 56WHBQ out of Memphis, TN before he became famous...

    Yup, remember Disco Duck? How about **** Williams Magicland? Or Happy Hal?
  • what about the video recorder?? the one that used a full sized vhs tape?? i remember my grandfather teasing me saying "jessie... if u cover ur eyes, the camera wont see u" :) lol and of course at 3 and 4 i believed him :)
    and they only weighed about 50 pounds too
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    78's, LP's & 45's all vinyl, 8 tracks & cassettes. Rabbit ears to watch black & white t.v., Drive-In movies, portable manual typewriter, still have mine. Atari, PacMan, Space Invaders, airplanes with props, OMG! I am older than dirt!!!!!!!!!!! :cry:

    Oh yeah & reel to reel tape decks!
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    78's, LP's & 45's all vinyl, 8 tracks & cassettes. Rabbit ears to watch black & white t.v., Drive-In movies, portable manual typewriter, still have mine. Atari, PacMan, Space Invaders, airplanes with props, OMG! I am older than dirt!!!!!!!!!!! :cry:

    Oh yeah & reel to reel tape decks!

    i remember typing papers for school on a typewriter with the only autocorrect being where you could fix the word you just screwed up. If you decided later one to switch things around...you had to retype the whole dang thing over!!
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    Ah... the good old days of climbing on the roof to adjust the antenna so all three of the channels would come in clearly! And don't forget the wire hanger that doubled as a radio antenna for the car...almost forgot AM radio was the bomb!!
    Rick Dees on 56WHBQ out of Memphis, TN before he became famous...

    Yup, remember Disco Duck? How about **** Williams Magicland? Or Happy Hal?

    I remember all of those LOL :smokin: How about Silky Sullivan's and Flanagin's?
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    the first music CD burners that came out in the mid 90's...you had to record in real time. It sucked.

    the first CD MP3 player...there were no iPods or mp3 players yet. You had to make an MP3 CD
  • babycakes1970
    babycakes1970 Posts: 111 Member
    I remember seeing one of those record players where you could stack the 45s on. When one was finished it would lift up off the player and the next one would start. I thought those were cool but I was never lucky enough to have one.

    I did have a yellow/black walkman in the eighties. I loved it!
  • babycakes1970
    babycakes1970 Posts: 111 Member
    Oh and I remember watching my parents home movies on a big pull down screen with a projector!
  • Chopshopcop
    Chopshopcop Posts: 37 Member
    Ah... the good old days of climbing on the roof to adjust the antenna so all three of the channels would come in clearly! And don't forget the wire hanger that doubled as a radio antenna for the car...almost forgot AM radio was the bomb!!
    Rick Dees on 56WHBQ out of Memphis, TN before he became famous...

    Yup, remember Disco Duck? How about **** Williams Magicland? Or Happy Hal?

    I remember all of those LOL :smokin: How about Silky Sullivan's and Flanagin's?

    Alas, Flanigans is no more but Silky still has a place on Beale. Lafayettes, Hot Air Balloon, High Cotton, Yosemite Sam's, Solomon Alfreds, all the old great places are gone
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    How about those slide projector machines where you'd hit the button and it would go click and the picture would be projected up on the big pull down screens (you reminded me of this). Kodak made them. I'm not even sure if they still make that type of projector now that they don't make film anymore.


    Ok. I never had one of these but boy - look at the size of this tv? I'm afraid to find out what the cost was on this thing! Ours was smaller but also in a wood console.

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