writing recipes

feo273 Posts: 1 Member
edited January 2 in Recipes
How do you change the serving size? Example, you have maple syrup and the serving is 1/4 cup but you don't eat but a tbsp 2 at the most, how do you fix it?


  • ckish
    ckish Posts: 341 Member
    It is basic math - There are 16 tablespoons in a cup. Therefore there are 4 Tbls in 1/4cup. If you are using 1 Tbls use .25 portion of the 1/4cup serving size. BTW - there are 3 teasponns in 1 Tablespoon
  • Like ckish said--just do the math. I bought a magnetic recipe-conversions chart and keep it on my fridge. Failing that, Google it! My memory is terrible but "2 Tablespoons to cups" in Google gives me .125 cups... the internet makes it super easy!
  • Look to the right of the serving size. There's a down-arrow. Click on the down-arrow for other serving size options.

    For example if you ate 17 grams of "Dole - Raisins 43 g". See the serving size of 43 g, the down-arrow option has a serving size of '1 g'. Just enter 17 servings of 1 gram.

    It works well for grams, ml, and ounces. Cups are the devil's measure and contain stealth calories so I don't use them for calorie dense foods like syrup.
  • unless you weigh or measure the quantity of food you use, it's a guessing game with that drop down menu. If you can get a food scale, it helps. I don't think about food in grams, and for some items, it's either the entire pack, or a gram. With a scale, you can weigh things and get accurate numbers.
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