Diet Soda and Weight Loss



  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I am drinking a diet ginger ale right now...its the only diet soda like the taste of. I only drink a couple cans a week and I have had no problem with my weight loss. I know there are people that drink several diet sodas a day but I never did that.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I am saying that giving up diet sodas (artificial sugar), and sugar in general, will decrease your body's cravings for sugar.

    I like diet sodas (Coke Zero Cherry, for the win) but I have them maybe once a week. They don't make me crave other things, but I do notice I'll go through a fridge pack pretty quickly so maybe I do.

    However, I'm on a keto diet, so I don't really crave them that often anyway. It's a nice treat once in a while.

    You're right about giving up sugar decreasing my want for it!
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Yeah definitely scraping the bottom of the barrel folks... Calorie free soda does not cause you weight gain, I have on average 2 to 3 diet pepsi a day and have for years now and have managed to lose a few pounds.....

    Pfft... it's only water weight you've lost.

    Just kidding! You're awesome!
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    I stopped drinking all carbonated drinks and only drink water (alcohol during special occasions but in moderation) in March (started this journey in Feb) and have since lost 70lbs so, yeah I think it helps lol My skin has completely changed for the better ^u^ Good luck doll!
  • vvanm
    vvanm Posts: 157
    I used to drink one or two cans of diet soda a day as my free calorie treat. It also had a slight caffeine kick that helped stave off hunger for a couple of hours. I read the carbonation depleted calcium from the bones, and also boosted insulin since our brains only process sweet as real food. When the insulin levels rise with no sugar to process, you crave real sugar/carbs. I was afraid that when I stopped the diet drinks I would gain weight because I might want the calorie drinks. I didn't gain anything by quitting, and had no problem finding other drinks to enjoy. I might have one diet drink a month now, but it doesn't even taste that good after breaking the habit.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I know that I shouldn't drink diet soda because it's bad for me. I'm considering giving it up (again...ahem) but was curious if anyone has seen a marked improvement in their weight loss as a result of giving up diet soda (or any beverage that's artificially sweetened)? I've read articles that say diet soda is connected to weight gain, but I'm looking for real people who can confirm that quitting has helped them lose weight. Thanks in advance for your input!

    how does science explain a weight gain created by something with no calories?
  • healthynotthin
    healthynotthin Posts: 223 Member
    diet soda satisfies my sugar cravings.

    Take that, correlation-causation!

    This. I want a diet cream soda now.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Come on now! I think were scraping the barrel talking about giving up calorie free drinks to help us loss weight! I don't think so....

    That is not what the research shows. Did you read what I posted? The research shows that the brain, when given artificial sweeteners, is looking for the satisfaction of the real sugar and when it doesn't get the satisfaction, it will release chemicals that will cause you to crave more sweets until it is satisfied.

    I am saying that giving up diet sodas (artificial sugar), and sugar in general, will decrease your body's cravings for sugar.
    But, what about the thousands of studies that have shown the exact opposite of what you posted? Should we just ignore that mountain of evidence in favor of a few select quotes?
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    yes. because alarmism is scary. so it must be true.

    also, I've read that all people that drink water ... eventually die.
  • GomesDavid
    I know that I shouldn't drink diet soda because it's bad for me. I'm considering giving it up (again...ahem) but was curious if anyone has seen a marked improvement in their weight loss as a result of giving up diet soda (or any beverage that's artificially sweetened)? I've read articles that say diet soda is connected to weight gain, but I'm looking for real people who can confirm that quitting has helped them lose weight. Thanks in advance for your input!

    Diet Soda has sodium... however it has about aas much sodium as a pretzel. If you want to stay away from artificial sweetners or dark liquids... or carbination, then it makes sense. But if its something you enjoy, use in moderation and see as a reward or even something you just refuse to budge on then there is no sense in cutting it out for sodium reasons. Although it does have other ingredients, soda (just like other beverages) is mainly water. It's the amounts of the other ingredients that can slow down your diet so just be sensible... just like you would with sodium in your diet. Not bad for you, but use it sparingly

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