calorie intake

I was just looking at my goals for the day and I updated the goal and my calorie intake went down by 30 that normal? Will it continue to go down the more I lose or do I have to update it everytime?


  • StarIsMoving
    The more you lose, the less your body needs for calories/fuel. Think about it this way: it takes more gas to make a RV go 40 miles then it would a small smart car. Add the weight and it takes more fuel to move and function... take away weight and it takes less. Hope that makes sense to you :) If you want to be able to eat the extra 30 calories, just up the exercise a bit and you are good to go :)
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    it should change when you update your weight or change your goals. The closer you get to your goal weight, the more every calorie counts.