Left Handed People....talk!



  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    I'm a lefty and usually just take thing out of the oven with my right hand. I haven't noticed any issues with the can opener, but will be paying attention a little closer next time I use it. lol
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    Tin openers! Bane of my life.
    At my university there are seats with the little pull up table things for you to write on, but they're only on the right side so you have to write so awkwardly as a left hander when using them -_-

    Yes! There are always about 2 desks which are usable for lefties, but they have a wider working space, so greedy right-handers always use them!
  • hkulbacki
    hkulbacki Posts: 187 Member
    Same here, it really confused other kids in school when they handed out the scissors and tried to hand me the lefty ones. I golf lefty too, I talked to an instructor before buying clubs, she watched me swing the club both ways and said she preferred the way I shifted my weight as a lefty.

    But as far as the can opener... I have one similar to this, the part you turn is on the top so you can use either hand. And it does the smooth edge cut, so no sharp edges.

    I eat and write left handed but do everything else righthanded. It confuses those around me :tongue:
  • laceyfowler
    laceyfowler Posts: 127 Member
    Gosh, it must be nice for all of you "lefties" who do things like throw, catch, and write with your right hand... I sure wish I could! But, I'm not even a little tiny bit ambidextrous (thank goodness no one tried to beat it out of me... I'm pretty sure I would have just ended up black and blue but still as solidly left handed as ever). My hand writing even with my left hand is pretty bad, but with my right it's literally only legible if I go at the speed of a kindergartener, and it turns out at a kindergarten quality.
    There's absolutely no way I could catch or throw things with my right hand and be effective at all... which makes team sports tougher - example: the setter in volleyball sets the ball up high and to the right side of the player who's going to spike it. So, if they set to me I'm absolutely useless unless they remember that I'm a leftie and they set to that side of my body... needless to say, I generally only played server and back row specialist back in high school :-)
    Can openers can be awful, and another kitchen item that has caused me much grief is a potato peeler! Many of them are much sharper on the side that a right handed person would use... which makes them both frustrating and dangerous for us lefties trying to force a sharp object to work against its will!
    I too use right handed scissors because that's what was available in school, so I was able to train myself to hold those properly to make them work... so, I actually can't use left handed scissors because of the way I hold them.
    As far as oven mitts, I either use a folded up towel or one of those square potholders, folded as necessary :-)
    Ohhhh the joys of being a leftie in a right handed world! ;-)
  • TKelly06
    TKelly06 Posts: 225 Member
    I eat and write left handed but do everything else righthanded. It confuses those around me :tongue:

    same here, I was taught to do everything righty because I was the only lefty in my classes growing up.

    This for both!
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    life a few others have said, i use a towel instead of gloves.
    and can openers can suck it. i taught my self to use both hands when i broke my wrist in 4th grade and had to use my non dominant right hand, so i will do some things righty if needed. but i would rather just do it the correct way, with the left hand. the way we were supposed to be :]
  • _EmmaStrong_
    _EmmaStrong_ Posts: 648 Member
    I AM A LEFTY - I do use my right hand a lot - so, no real big problems - EXCEPT ONE: The picture on my coffee mug is FACING ME!!!:grumble: :noway:
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    I'm a leftie but it was litterally beaten out of me at school so I was ambidextrous till about my mid twentys.


    awwwww,.sorry 2 hear that.:frown:
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    dont get me wrong folks i love being a lefty!,...and i do use my right hand for alot of things,... just wanted to hear from others like me!- and who ever said we should open up a lefty store???-you rock!
  • redwan2001
    redwan2001 Posts: 286 Member
    Your not the only one with those issues sister lol, another lefty here haha I can totally relate.

  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I'm a lefty. My oven mitts are from Ikea, and the same thickness on both side. Though to be honest I just use a folded up kitchen towel most of the time :tongue:

    I have a smooth edge can opener like this:

    It's either not hand specific, or else I just never noticed. My biggest gripe is with scissors, always! Finding good left-handed scissors is such a pain.

    Oooh Pin's a lefty like me! Extra coolness points! I dunno about oven mitts. I use a oven pad so I don't have to deal with the lefty/righty issues. For me the annoying thing is computer mice. Many cool ergonomic shaped mouses, with the snazzy buttons and lights, are designed for right handed folks. I can work with a mouse on my right hand no problems, but I feel more at ease when it's on the left side. I don't flip the buttons though.