Most Frustrating and Exciting NSV yet! (Pic)

Last night I could not beleive what was happening I was so frustrated but I suppose in a relatively good way. NOTHING I wanted to wear fit me, my skirts that ive been wearing all summer were falling off, the shirt I planned to wear that was skin tight was wayyyy too baggy, I had to try on a million different things and finally had to create a look out of several things and wear a little sweater so I didnt look like I was wearing my big sisters clothes. I had to roll my skirt and tuck it into my undies so it wouldnt fall down. I guess it is time for a legit new wardrobe! I am just amazed at what my body is doing, this has been a slow going process (since September 2010) but I think my body is finally letting go of the difficult fat, the kind they say is much harder to get rid of if you have been heavy a long time. I am closer to my ultimate dream than I ever thought possible and there are a few things that have helped get me here, My Lord, My total dedication and determination, A few very supportive friends, MFP and the support here, and AdvoCare products.

Yesterday evening started out bad because my mother yet again attempted to put me down and belittle my success. She told me she hopes she will just get skinny like I have and that she never lost the weight because my grandmother was negative about her efforts and that she knew it bothered me when she lost weight and I didnt. So in essence I am a huge part of the reason she is overweight which I refuse to accept. I dont have excuses I made a decision to do what I needed to do for me and I have busted my rear to get where I am, it didnt magically happen one day and I will not let her take that away from me! MFP has been practically my ONLY source of support and comfort over the past 6 months and I am so grateful. I know some of my friends probably dont understand why I am so involved on here but if they had the kind of "support" I do at home they would see it a little differently. To all of those who have stood by me on here and in real life (you know who you are!) I love you and I am eternally grateful. In a matter of weeks I will have a success story to share and I cant wait!!!!!!

Last nights concoction!


  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    Great post and great victory! You deserve a new wardrobe. I've had the same "problem" can't find clothes to wear, but it's really not a problem. I'm sorry about your mom. I'm sending you a friend request.
  • Wow!!!! You are one strong woman!!!! And wise beyond your years..... I am new here so I did not
    have the privilege to follow your journey .... But I will say that you are an inspiration :-)
  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    Thank You ladies!!!
  • crocal
    crocal Posts: 38
    Well done, I look forward to the day my clothes are too big for me!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    CONGRATS enjoy your progress , you should be so proud of yourself for doing it for you even without the support. You deserve some new clothes
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    CONGRATS enjoy your progress , you should be so proud of yourself for doing it for you even without the support. You deserve some new clothes
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    Congratulations and kudos for all your hard work!!! I know it's hard to stay positive and on the right track when there is negativity and a lack of support from the people closest to you.

    You have done an amazing job and should be so very proud of your accomplishment in making a healthier, happier you.

    Keep it up girl! You're rocking that outift by the way...
  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
    Looking at your NSV picture I'd say you were a success already!! So cute...even if you had to be extra creative with tucking and covering. Great job!
  • Congrats!!! You look great and the outfit turned out pretty good lol. My clothes are just getting to the stages of making me look like a hobo. I'm sorry about your mom. I've honestly found more people being negative towards my weight loss than they were before I started. The thing I hate the most is when people ask how much you've lost and then say "oh I couldn't tell" after you tell them. Breaks your heart if you let it. Good job though! Send a friend request if you want!

    Edit for iPhone errors lol
  • dragonfly_em
    dragonfly_em Posts: 122 Member
    love your boots! have you found that even shoes fit better.
  • Guatamellon
    Guatamellon Posts: 102 Member
    Well freaking said. I love how you worded everything. This is for you no one else. Its amazing how you feel and how no one can change your mind. It really does not matter what anyone says because you have made your mind up and have stuck to it. I am pounding my keyboard LOL. Love your post.
  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    love your boots! have you found that even shoes fit better.

    OOOOHHHHYEAH!!! WIthout a doubt my friend. I love heels and when I say heels I HEELS so losing weight has definitely made that a much much more fun thing to love! I have lost almost half a shoe size as well haha!
  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    Well freaking said. I love how you worded everything. This is for you no one else. Its amazing how you feel and how no one can change your mind. It really does not matter what anyone says because you have made your mind up and have stuck to it. I am pounding my keyboard LOL. Love your post.

    Awe you are awesome, thank you for that!!! xoxo
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    You look so skinny and should be so proud of yourself! I was so sorry to read about the incident with your mum; that must have been really tough for you. You are quite right not to take it on board- visualise yourself putting her words into a box and mentally giving them back to her, you do not have to accept her words and attitude. Just keep your eyes focused on the goal ahead and pray for wisdom in dealing with her, and the strength to keep moving forward. Well done you, be proud xxx
  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    You look so skinny and should be so proud of yourself! I was so sorry to read about the incident with your mum; that must have been really tough for you. You are quite right not to take it on board- visualise yourself putting her words into a box and mentally giving them back to her, you do not have to accept her words and attitude. Just keep your eyes focused on the goal ahead and pray for wisdom in dealing with her, and the strength to keep moving forward. Well done you, be proud xxx
  • dalh
    dalh Posts: 82 Member
    You look awesome and have every right to be proud of the hard work and dedication that has brought you to this point! Congratulations!!!
  • My mom is cut of the same cloth and I feel your pain. Having a competitive, narcissistic mother is a pain in the rear (to put it mildly, as you probably know) and the heart. While I can't blame my own mom for what I have put/currently put in my mouth, I do recognize that one of the motivations for staying heavy and unhealthy (i.e., unattractive) for me for many years was to not make her feel bad about herself because If I looked good to other people, she became angry at me for being a bad daughter in some vague yet widely damaging way. The retaliation was awful. To be honest, even as a woman approaching middle age, I still fight this "skinny = bad person" learning more than I'd like to admit, but I know it will go away with time as I succeed in reaching my goals.

    The good news is that you seem to really be going your own way and standing up for your right to be healthy--that is SO awesome, and so good for you. Stay strong and choose to ignore. It's not really about you (at all, despite anything she might say or imply). The "I can't be a good mom to you until I get over my mom (your grandmother)" broken-record story gets old, and unfortunately, it rarely goes away, so you'll need to become your own strong, courageous, and deservedly beautiful woman on your own--and that's something no one can take away from you. Shine on!
  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    My mom is cut of the same cloth and I feel your pain. Having a competitive, narcissistic mother is a pain in the rear (to put it mildly, as you probably know) and the heart. While I can't blame my own mom for what I have put/currently put in my mouth, I do recognize that one of the motivations for staying heavy and unhealthy (i.e., unattractive) for me for many years was to not make her feel bad about herself because If I looked good to other people, she became angry at me for being a bad daughter in some vague yet widely damaging way. The retaliation was awful. To be honest, even as a woman approaching middle age, I still fight this "skinny = bad person" learning more than I'd like to admit, but I know it will go away with time as I succeed in reaching my goals.

    The good news is that you seem to really be going your own way and standing up for your right to be healthy--that is SO awesome, and so good for you. Stay strong and choose to ignore. It's not really about you (at all, despite anything she might say or imply). The "I can't be a good mom to you until I get over my mom (your grandmother)" broken-record story gets old, and unfortunately, it rarely goes away, so you'll need to become your own strong, courageous, and deservedly beautiful woman on your own--and that's something no one can take away from you. Shine on!

    What a beautiful and appropriate assessment! Thank you...I want to read your story someday!
  • What a beautiful and appropriate assessment! Thank you...I want to read your story someday!

    Thanks! I look forward to writing it within the year... ;) Seeing your success is so inspirational, and I will think of it on my journey. Cheers--
  • lcooke24
    lcooke24 Posts: 115 Member
    Congratulations to you!! You should be very proud of all your accomplishments! And you look fricking amazing in that outfit, by the way!!
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