Newbie =)

Hi folks, I'm Sarah. I've used MFP in the past with little to no commitment. So here I am again, reaching out to others hoping to make a change. Please feel free to add me as a friend and tell me your stories. I'd love to hear them =)


  • Hi Sarah! welcome back. I'm new just started this week and I am looking for others to talk with and support. I wish you well on your journey to a healthier you.

  • ladyallen18
    ladyallen18 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks Hope! Same to you =)
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    Good luck to you Sarah, I wish you all the best!
  • tairaven
    tairaven Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome back! Feel free to add me =)
  • dabrion
    dabrion Posts: 9 Member
    How ironic...... joined in 2011, but just started making a dedicated effort today to track also. Welcome back, and good luck!
  • rberry313
    rberry313 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Sarah,
    I used MFP everyday during the summer, but once I went back to school in September, I fell off the wagon and gained back the 10 pounds I lost. So, I'm back to stay this second time around, and I want to lose around 15-20 pounds. I could definely use some support and motivation, and I'll give it back as well. Feel free to add me if you want :)
  • ladyallen18
    ladyallen18 Posts: 26 Member
    Good luck to you Sarah, I wish you all the best!

    Same to you, love!
  • ladyallen18
    ladyallen18 Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome back! Feel free to add me =)

    I shall, thanks =)
  • ladyallen18
    ladyallen18 Posts: 26 Member
    How ironic...... joined in 2011, but just started making a dedicated effort today to track also. Welcome back, and good luck!

    Great minds think alike =)
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    Welcome back, good luck (you can do it!!) :)

    Feel free to add me if you want ;)
  • ladyallen18
    ladyallen18 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Sarah,
    I used MFP everyday during the summer, but once I went back to school in September, I fell off the wagon and gained back the 10 pounds I lost. So, I'm back to stay this second time around, and I want to lose around 15-20 pounds. I could definely use some support and motivation, and I'll give it back as well. Feel free to add me if you want :)

    Oh, how I can relate! I started going to school and gained back EVERYTHING I lost the first go around lol. It didn't help that the school was located in a downtown FULL of local restaurants. It was so easy to eat out every day for lunch. Now I'm paying for it lol. Good luck to you!
  • ladyallen18
    ladyallen18 Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome back, good luck (you can do it!!) :)

    Feel free to add me if you want ;)

    Thanks! Right back at you =)