Another Newbie Here!!!

Hey all, I am Jim and I'm 47 and this is the first time I have had to track my eating and exercise in order to loose weight. I gained thirty pounds over the last year and I want to loose it. I found the Iphone app a few weeks and I'm loving it! It is so easy to use and makes me realize how bad I was overeating!!! It has been a tremendous motivator coupled with my heart rate monitor.

Anyway, I look forward to lurking around this community and hope I can contribute where I can.

Well met everyone



  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    Hi Jim,

    I agree. This site really does make you realize just how much food you used to put in your body. Helps make you accountable that is for sure. The heart rate monitor is a good tool as well being that MFP over esitmates on alot of things and can really make you think you are burning more than you really are. Good luck to you !!
  • Cottoncandypink555
    hI jIM...i'M NEWBIE TOO past few days...It's my fourth or fifth day here . It's great to keep track here of food items or calories! I seem to be eating more carbs than I think I am..eeks.. I need to lose 30 pds at most too!...........always was veryslender til 5 to 10 yrs ago!;...crept up slowly!! ...........I walk each day ;bu tneed to do more exercizes too! ..and free weights!..........Good luck! CC
  • Mandypt
    Mandypt Posts: 173 Member
    Welcome Jim! Feel free to add.. I try to motivate.. cause I need it in return.