Dear Diary


Dear Diary,

It is now day 11 of this "diet" errrr.... I mean, "lifestyle change"... and so far so good.
I haven't been cranky, punched any people that have "boy parts".... haven't even had road rage....
I'm down 6lbs, 1lb of that was fat, and I fit into pants this last week that wouldn't have fit the week prior.
I met a few "friends" on this page that are as nuts as me, and the humor is helping. (thanks, y'all)
I don't feel like I'm starving.
I'm eating healthier.
I feel I have more energy.
So far so good.

Although I still want a cookie. A big, fat, soft warm cookie with LOTS of chocolate.
Hmm. Maybe next week I'll treat myself one if I do "good".

Goal for next week? Start working out again.

Oy vey!!!


  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Your profile picture is scary, lol.
    Other than that, funny post.
  • seiser3
    seiser3 Posts: 9 Member
    Great job so far. 6lb's is just the start. My hardest thing is the weekend....To much free time...***stares at the Chinese food menu***. Man, I wish it was as easy to loose as to gain.... Oh well. Keep it UP!!! i mean down.... I mean... you know what i mean.
  • SongDragon
    SongDragon Posts: 205 Member
    And I was foolish enough to bring Reese's and 3 Muskateers into my house for Halloween. Not to mention Candy Corn. Meh. That's why it's not a diet. I refuse to give those things up if it's a diet, because I'll never stay off them forever. Just keeping it moderate...

    Also, I take offense to the very idea that I might be as nuts as you. Except if it means I can have more pecan halves. Darn they're good.
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    Also, I take offense to the very idea that I might be as nuts as you. Except if it means I can have more pecan halves. Darn they're good.

    It's a compliment sweetheart dahling......
    (Refer to UK version of "Absolutely Fabulous" on YouTube..)
  • 6 pounds in the first week is pretty awesome. It took me at least 3 weeks to get that far. Way to go!
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    Thats amazing, how the hell did you control your road rage and boy part punching in your first week? Im into month two and still want to drop kick puppies and wedgie my kids every now and then.
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    6 pounds in the first week is pretty awesome. It took me at least 3 weeks to get that far. Way to go!

    Honestly it was a matter of cutting out all the bad food and replacing it with healthier choices, following what my food planner for the day told me, and am making sure to drink 8 glasses of water.

    Go figure!

  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    Dear Diary,

    It's been two days and I'm still here.

    I prayed a lot to my porcelain God today... my own fault those beautiful yummy fishie tacos were calling my name.... but alas, the porcelain and I.... we have a "special" relationship now....

    Today was better than yesterday.... meaning, I was better to myself TODAY than yesterday.

    I guess all of us here can do that.....


    Until next time......
  • melissarina
    melissarina Posts: 113 Member

    I'm looking forward to the next diary entry :)