calf muscle soreness/pull

About a month ago, I awoke and stretched my legs as normal. Both my calves, but especially my right tightened up in a cramp/spasm. It was incredibly painful. I had knots in both calves right after. I could feel the muscle knot when I massaged the area. It was hard and ouchy. This had happened before, but the intensity was nothing near this. Since then my muscles feel like they are 'tearing' when I walk and especially when I run. Its a searing like pain. heating pads and stretching seems to make them feel worse. I've taken ibuprofin, rested them and taken in lots of potassium and protien etc. I rested for a week, because I ran a 5k today and I wanted them to heal. I thought they were, they werent. I made the run and even beat my time, but halfway through my calves started that painful feeling again.

so has anyone experienced this? Just getting a spasm from stretching first thing in the morning to going into what seems like a muscle pull? I know rest is optimal, and I am not registered for anymore runs, but I need to get my cardio in, and the bike and elliptical all work my calf muscles. Is there any other form of cardio you may suggest that will take it easy on my calves? or do you think I should just lay up and rest until they are healed?


  • brendaschmitt1
    See a doc. I have had some muscle cramps on my calves before I injured my achilles on both feet. Also do RICE. Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevate. Take it easy. Sometimes when you stretch too much it can hurt more.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    About a month ago, I awoke and stretched my legs as normal. Both my calves, but especially my right tightened up in a cramp/spasm. It was incredibly painful. I had knots in both calves right after. I could feel the muscle knot when I massaged the area. It was hard and ouchy. This had happened before, but the intensity was nothing near this. Since then my muscles feel like they are 'tearing' when I walk and especially when I run. Its a searing like pain. heating pads and stretching seems to make them feel worse. I've taken ibuprofin, rested them and taken in lots of potassium and protien etc. I rested for a week, because I ran a 5k today and I wanted them to heal. I thought they were, they werent. I made the run and even beat my time, but halfway through my calves started that painful feeling again.

    so has anyone experienced this? Just getting a spasm from stretching first thing in the morning to going into what seems like a muscle pull? I know rest is optimal, and I am not registered for anymore runs, but I need to get my cardio in, and the bike and elliptical all work my calf muscles. Is there any other form of cardio you may suggest that will take it easy on my calves? or do you think I should just lay up and rest until they are healed?

    Do you think you need the cardio for weight loss?

    Wrong. Go lift some heavy stuff, better fat burn during recovery, and since it burns less during the workout you eat less. Of course you don't eat back the fat burn that happens for the next 24 hrs.

    For the calf, sodium and potassium, and magnesium so the body can actually make use of the first 2 as best possible.

    Walking should be it while it's repairing, or else you'll just lengthen the healing time.
    Stretching should only be after warmed up, not cold. Do you do cold morning stretches?

    After next heat pad session, be sitting on the floor in-case you passout. And massage it deep. Not just pressure point method which may help, but really pushing.

    You probably do have scar tissue that is trying to tear so the muscles can slide and have full range of motion.

    Might find a chiro or massage therapist that does Active Release Technique. It's a pressure point stretching theory to break up the scar tissue that can form in muscles. If it's thick or in wrong place, the muscle has a shortened length basically, and will feel and act very tight.
    If they are honest, usually takes 2 sessions.
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    See a doc. I have had some muscle cramps on my calves before I injured my achilles on both feet. Also do RICE. Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevate. Take it easy. Sometimes when you stretch too much it can hurt more.

    Agreed. Not worth it to push harder because you can make it much worse and be down for weeks if you're not careful. See a doc to rule out anything more serious and follow the RICE protocol. FYI, they make something called a calf sleeve to help with the compression part of RICE.