Just joined today

I began nov 2011 at my heaviest 300
I lost 60 pounds by April
Something happened then, not quite sure but I stopped doing everything. Except put 25 pounds back on and stopped working out

So, back to the drawing board, damn it, I was feelin might sexy
Current start weight 262
Goal 180
POUNDS TO LOSE 82 pounds

My immediate goal is to get back where I left off at 240

Join me. I'm on Isagenix plan FYI

My mom says I'm something else,


  • Hi JRobinLee ... I am MeMe .... I have 100 pounds to lose and have only lost sx so far ... I have been on this site for 2 days ... love it ... best way to lose weight is to make an honest person of yourself ... LOL!:love:
  • bdunt2646
    bdunt2646 Posts: 99 Member
    ive got 100lbs to lose myself....we all just gta stay focused and we should start seeing results soon!!! :) good luck
  • Welcome! I love this site, hope it works great for you! Feel free to add me. I've got a lot more to lose than my li'l ticker claims I do (I'd just rather not see "126 pounds to go" cuz it'll discourage me, lol.)
  • KayleighWS
    KayleighWS Posts: 15 Member
    I joined a month ago and it has been great. I know all too much the loosing and then just going on my merry way till I find I have gained lots back. On a positive good thing you got back into it at a 25 pound gain and not a 75 pound one. I would like to lose 135 pounds and see how I feel from there. So congrats on getting back on track. It is never too late to start at it again.