Meal replacements? Point of them?

Ok, so I bought some meal replacement bars and shakes. I fail to see the point of them now though, if you still have to eat 1200 cals a day. whats with this? lol


  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I use them on a rare occasion, only if I am having a really hectic day and need something to tide me over between meals because in the past sometimes I would go all day without eating without realizing it and it can be a good shot of protein. But now I try and plan ahead and take an apple with string cheese. I guess the purpose of them are that you can know exactly how many calories you are taking in and the nutrients. But they are either high in sugar (to make them taste good) or the fake sugars. And who can live on that stuff for more than a couple of weeks? I started missing the texture of food :)
  • mlove1307
    mlove1307 Posts: 151
    I completely agree with the first reply.

    I used to have one or two on hand at all times just in case I got too busy at school or work to have a real meal. I also have a looong four hour drive home from college, so I usually make sure to bring a bar for the trip because I don't like stopping along the way. Now though, I just grab and apple and some pretzel sticks which is about 200 calories of food there.. same as a bar and it fills me up a lot more!