Need help!!

smusch78 Posts: 19
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Lets see where do I star? Well a year ago I started to eat healty I lost 15 lbs in my first month and then I fell off the wagon. I ganied that weight back plus a few extra pounds. I started again a few weeks ago and I do good for a couple of days and then I go over 200 or so on my calories. Then I do good for a couple of days and then I am there again going over.

Does anyone have any suggestions how I can keep my self away from bad foods. I have noticed that I am an emotional eater and I also eat when I am bored. I try to keep myself busy, but in the winter months I dont want to go outside except to do errands and go to work.

Need Help..


  • glasscc
    glasscc Posts: 8 Member
    If you know you are over why not try exercising off those extra calories? I don't believe in depriving ourselves when our bodies are calling for more.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I'm the same way, smusch78, as far as bored and emotional eating. I have been going to the grocery store about every day or so and loading up on tons of fresh fruits and vegetables. I still have high calorie foods in the house for the kids (although not really junk) but I keep them out of sight. When I start getting bored or jittery, I grab a bunch of grapes or blueberries and make myself eat them one at a time. Usually, in about ten minutes, the feeling passes. Don't know if that helps.
  • if you are an emotional eater that means that you are not really hungry but replace your emotions with food, there is a good exercise that reprogrammes your brain waves. I watched it just before december on tele, and is this guy paul mackenna who is an english motivational speaker who showed it. What he says is that when you are emotional you tend to go straight into the hidden place, you kow where we all hide our goodies (for me is chocolate and biscuits) but that if you do this exercise what happens is that your brain is reprogrammed and you dont feel the need to go to that hidden place. I cant explain it with words but i am sure you can get it on youtube or something, i started doing it just before christmas and i managed not to put the weight on during the hols, i am still doing it and so far it has worked for me.
  • I think the best thing to do would be to learn to distract yourself. When I feel the urge to binge I clean my house or read a book or go for a walk and then the feeling disappears.

    Self discipline is also very important.
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    I would suggest planning out your food for the day. When I plan, I make sure to include 3-4 snacks, such as yogurt, sugar free pudding, slimfast snack bars or luna bars.... that way, no matter when I get the urge to eat I know what I can have. I know what you mean about doing well, then falling off. I have logged in for 20 days in a row now, and I have heard it takes 30 days to form a habit... so I am hoping that this time I stick with this lifestyle change, I have to do this!!!
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