Looking for Ongoing Support, Potential Pals?

So. Early this week was my last session with my personal trainer. It will be another 2 months before I can afford him again. Which is only $200, but money is tight and my husband is angry with me that I was so selfish in the first place to pay someone to tell me to exercise..

I sorta feel lost. Lost and a bit scared. I want to keep on exercising. But part of my support team is gone. My husband doesn't get how difficult it has been for me to exercise. My depression, anxiety and panic really hindered me from feeling motivation. On top of that, a crumbling, stressful and unhappy marriage. To my husband all I needed to do was stop being a lazy *kitten* and just workout.

So, I'm afraid of the next few weeks, if I can get through the next two weeks, I know I can get through the next 2 months successfully.

I am eating well, so that is not the biggest problem for me. Well except for the days I feel like eating 10 chocolate chip cookies. It's the getting up and exercising that is not happening the way I know it should.

So...I really need some MFPals to be some support and of course I'd do the same for you. I feel a bit embarrassed, never been someone who easily makes friends with any one. Online or in person.

Okay then. Uhh Thanks for reading?


  • jparks341
    jparks341 Posts: 216 Member
    Feel free to add me as a MFP buddy! I'll provide support and motivation and yes cheer you on as you progress. Chocolate chip cookies are my grab 3, close the bag and put it away routine. Then I enjoy those like they are the last ones in the house. You can do this, you have already beaten half the battle. The eating part is the hardest part, the exercise is the other but not as hard. You don't need someone to tell you to exercise, it's inside you. You can do this, just believe in yourself!