Caveman Did Not Have a Long Life Span - Why Eat Like One?



  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member

    Paleo... I think its a bit crazy, I mean... you have to limit a lot of carbs and you cant eat oatmeal or anything... lol.

    OH MY GOD! You can't eat OATMEAL??? That is *kitten* CRAZY!!!

    :laugh: :noway:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Caveman died because he ate that way? I don't think I've ever read that in the science books.:wink:

    I don't eat "paleo". I do eat clean. Caveman didn't have an epidemic of diabetes if memory serves. We do.
    Paleo is pretty clean.:glasses:
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member

    Paleo... I think its a bit crazy, I mean... you have to limit a lot of carbs and you cant eat oatmeal or anything... lol.

    OH MY GOD! You can't eat OATMEAL??? That is *kitten* CRAZY!!!

    Whoa, Karincakes! If that is you in the profile pic, I'll have whatever it is you're having....

    Thank you! Yep, that's me! I'll tell you what I don't eat... oatmeal!
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    So this is something I've been curious about. I think I need to just read the book. Some people swear by the paleo diet. However, the lifespan back then was about one-third of the lifespan today. So why is it a good idea to emulate that diet?

    Plus, another thing I wonder is - people lived all over the world with very varied diets - depending on where they lived and the climate and what was abundant there. Why is a certain supposedly "paleo" diet chosen?

    The whole idea just does not pass the common sense test to me. Ok, have at me all you paleo lovers!

    This is totally just my opinion and speculation. I think the reason the paleo diet/lifestyle (or any diet that involves more whole foods/less processed foods) is so popular is because sadly, the typical modern diet makes it so easy to gain weight. It includes tons of processed (and tasty) foods that are calorie dense and lower on nutritional value, which then leave you feeling hungry and reaching for more because those foods don't always provide all of the nutrients your body is craving. Not to mention the fact that they're quick, convenient and easy. The paleo and any other similar diet forces you to pay more attention to what you eat since you "can't have this but should have that instead". You are more likely to create a caloric deficit that way. Of course, even with the typical modern diet you can still lose weight if you pay closer attention to what you're putting in your body and how much of it. The reality is, however, the average person is probably not as aware of the calorie content in most foods and/or how many calories they burn in a day. They are probably misinformed about what is considered a "healthy" (nutrient dense) meal. The media doesn't do anything to help either. Example: "Hungry? Why wait. Grab a Snickers".
    Of course, paying more attention to what you eat and making sure it's below a certain number of calories is bound to make you lose weight. Of course certain foods are bound to have better impact on your health than others. That is the general idea of most diets/lifestyles, etc. Some people see great results and think everybody should live that way. Others, try the same approach, it doesn't work for them and they want to shoot it down as a myth. It happens with everything. Bottom line? Pay attention to what you eat and how much of it and how good for you it is and you'll see results.

    ETA: Holy long post Batman! Sorry folks!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Everyone also ignores the fact that nutritionally, that's all the food they had available. Add to that, they didn't know anything about nutrition at all. So, it's just a huge cluster fu*k to emulate a non-sensical pile of dung. It's hilarious. Why do you drive a car? A Paleo person didn't drive cars. I mean, come on, it's so silly that I can barely contain myself with this nonsense. If I hear another person going Paleo wearing designer jeans in a heated modern home, I am going to completely come unglued. Lol.

  • Jkmumma
    Jkmumma Posts: 254
    We live longer on average now than even 100 years ago. I don't think it's diet that makes the difference.
    There's nothing wrong with eating as close to nature as possible. The more processed the food, the less nutrition: that's a fact.
    I think that's what we need to remember.

    Yet, due to the skyrocketing rates of obesity, we might be the first generation that won't outlive our parents... And THAT has a lot to do with diet...
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    Brontosaurus burger?

    I'll take 2 please. No bun.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    The paleo diet isn't meant to make you like a caveman; it's based around the idea that our food sources have changed rapidly and drastically in the last ten thousand years while our digestive systems have not evolved to adapt to those changes. Anatomically modern humans have been around for about two hundred thousand years. Agriculture first appeared only ten thousand years ago. And industrialization of food has been only a couple hundred years. Our diets today do not resemble the ones we evolved to eat.

    Paleo came from this idea that we'd be healthier if we ate what we evolved to eat, rather than what has very recently become available. Unfortunately, it's become somewhat of a misnomer in this regard and is simply a meat-heavy, grain-free diet. Realistically, the first humans would have subsisted mostly on flowers, fruits, leaves, and roots but eaten meat in large quantities whenever available. They also went days without eating anything at all until something became available.

    At its simplest, paleo is really a no-brainer. It makes perfect sense to give the body what it has adapted to need. As to the vehement paleo-diet advocates, there's often more anecdotal than scientific evidence (as with most diets).
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    Brontosaurus burger?

    more like Saber-tooth tiger burger, or mammoth burger...dinosaurs were long gone...
  • MrsGSR
    MrsGSR Posts: 88
    If I hear another person going Paleo wearing designer jeans

    I don't understand how not eating crap has anything to do with what you wear?

    I don't follow the Paleo diet, although I do try to minimise refined carbs, but the majority of the diet makes sense from a biological point of view as far as I can see.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    For what is probably the 1st time in history, starting in '09. In many counties across the U. S., babies won't be living longer than their parents. Obviously, our current diet isn't working either.

    Eta, the caveman diet is simply eating unprocessed foods. I think common sense dictates that a baked potato is better than fries or potato chips
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    If I hear another person going Paleo wearing designer jeans

    I don't understand how not eating crap has anything to do with what you wear?

    I don't follow the Paleo diet, although I do try to minimise refined carbs, but the majority of the diet makes sense from a biological point of view as far as I can see.

    Hmmm. I guess I see it as stupid. I don't know what else to say. If you want to be a cave man because they are so superior, than go be one and shut up. Go kill animals with a spear or rock and eat them raw or whatever cave people did. But don't stand there in your $200 loafers and $250 designers jeans and talk to me about the superiority of what cave people ate. There was nothing superior about what they ate. It was all they had available. It wasn't a choice they made.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    So this is something I've been curious about. I think I need to just read the book. Some people swear by the paleo diet. However, the lifespan back then was about one-third of the lifespan today. So why is it a good idea to emulate that diet?

    Plus, another thing I wonder is - people lived all over the world with very varied diets - depending on where they lived and the climate and what was abundant there. Why is a certain supposedly "paleo" diet chosen?

    The whole idea just does not pass the common sense test to me. Ok, have at me all you paleo lovers!

    I think they didn't live long because dinosaurs ate them while they were hunting. It has nothing to do with the actual diet of the cavemen.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    If I hear another person going Paleo wearing designer jeans

    I don't understand how not eating crap has anything to do with what you wear?

    I don't follow the Paleo diet, although I do try to minimise refined carbs, but the majority of the diet makes sense from a biological point of view as far as I can see.

    Hmmm. I guess I see it as stupid. I don't know what else to say. If you want to be a cave man because they are so superior, than go be one and shut up. Go kill animals with a spear or rock and eat them raw or whatever cave people did. But don't stand there in your $200 loafers and $250 designers jeans and talk to me about the superiority of what cave people ate. There was nothing superior about what they ate. It was all they had available. It wasn't a choice they made.

    Wow. No one said it was more superior. You can see it however you want, no need to be harsh on people.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The paleo diet isn't meant to make you like a caveman; it's based around the idea that our food sources have changed rapidly and drastically in the last ten thousand years while our digestive systems have not evolved to adapt to those changes. Anatomically modern humans have been around for about two hundred thousand years. Agriculture first appeared only ten thousand years ago. And industrialization of food has been only a couple hundred years. Our diets today do not resemble the ones we evolved to eat.

    Paleo came from this idea that we'd be healthier if we ate what we evolved to eat, rather than what has very recently become available. Unfortunately, it's become somewhat of a misnomer in this regard and is simply a meat-heavy, grain-free diet. Realistically, the first humans would have subsisted mostly on flowers, fruits, leaves, and roots but eaten meat in large quantities whenever available. They also went days without eating anything at all until something became available.

    At its simplest, paleo is really a no-brainer. It makes perfect sense to give the body what it has adapted to need. As to the vehement paleo-diet advocates, there's often more anecdotal than scientific evidence (as with most diets).

    Human beings did NOT stop evolving ten thousand years ago. Evolution continues, the same as it ever did.
  • CATindeeHAT
    CATindeeHAT Posts: 332 Member
    Think of all the things we have now that are increasing our life span: modern medicine, plumbing, dental care, law enforcement, etc. THESE are the reasons we live longer than the cavemen. It's certainly not our superior modern diet.

    Perfectly said.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    Think of all the things we have now that are increasing our life span: modern medicine, plumbing, dental care, law enforcement, etc. THESE are the reasons we live longer than the cavemen. It's certainly not our superior modern diet.

    These are my thoughts exactly!
  • CATindeeHAT
    CATindeeHAT Posts: 332 Member

    Hmmm. I guess I see it as stupid. I don't know what else to say. If you want to be a cave man because they are so superior, than go be one and shut up. Go kill animals with a spear or rock and eat them raw or whatever cave people did. But don't stand there in your $200 loafers and $250 designers jeans and talk to me about the superiority of what cave people ate. There was nothing superior about what they ate. It was all they had available. It wasn't a choice they made.

    > Yes. The highly educated do tend to be 'yuppies', but that doesn't suggest that they're wrong.
  • xo_Sarah_xo
    xo_Sarah_xo Posts: 308 Member

    Not taking a side - just seemed like the appropriate place for this. :drinker:
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Whatever happened to raw diets?
    Did they get thrown under the bus?