Water weight

So once I started dieting with this site my weight PLUMMETED lol. went from 188 to 179 in a matter of days. Obviously that's just water weight and I'm about to plateau out. But how much water weight can a person expected to lose before getting into actual fat loss?


  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Depending on how heavy you are up to 14 pounds can be glycogen I think...fat loss and lean mass (if you are not eating enough protein) starts pretty soon after that...so week two of dieting should see the non water or glycogen loss...
  • The same thing is happening to me: I started a diet on Wednesday and now Sunday have lost 15.4 pounds (5 days). It's an amazing feeling to look at the scale and see those digits dropping off so quickly but I also know it's not realistic and just water weight. I'm sure my results won't be as great next week.
  • connectedcats
    connectedcats Posts: 17 Member
    Although I know the first loss is due to water, it is still weight I am not carrying around any more, and its great motivation to see the scales go down. The trick is to keep going even if sometimes those scales stay the same.