How to keep from cheating?

When I'm at home it's really hard not to swip a few chips once and a while and usually I feel bad and spit them out. How do i keep my self from snacking so much? Especially when others around me are snacking?


  • haku23
    haku23 Posts: 18 Member
    A few chips aren't going to ruin your diet, don't worry. A whole bag? Sure. But a few here and there is no big deal so don't feel bad for indulging a little bit-don't beat yourself down about it or else you might just think 'well screw it now, I'm already in the hole'. I'm the same way as you-as soon as I see other people eating something I think 'I'd like some of that too' and then I end up eating terrible food. I've just found that tracking my food has made me more resistant to snacking on 'bad' foods because then I think of how much cardio I've gotta do to burn it off and I hate exercise. Keeps some baby carrots or sliced up veggies in a container of water in the fridge then it's much easier to grab them instead cause they're just as hassle free.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Honestly and to the point? Willpower, determination, and a bit of stubbornness.

    You will always be surrounded by temptation everywhere you go and it's going to be almost all mental to keep you from cheating. You need the willpower to resist the temptation. The determination to reach your goal. And the stubbornness to prove to yourself that you can do this.
  • zechks
    zechks Posts: 224
    When I'm at home it's really hard not to swip a few chips once and a while and usually I feel bad and spit them out. How do i keep my self from snacking so much? Especially when others around me are snacking?

    Just don't snack on junk.. It's all in the mind. Practice self control. :)
  • Thank you so much you guys!!
  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    Don't have it easily accessible. I mean if there are no chips in the house in the first place what are you going to cheat with?
  • ryansgram
    ryansgram Posts: 693 Member
    If i can't stay away from it, I don't buy it.
  • You've gotta make something good to snack on just as easy to reach for. Cut up some veggies and put them in a plastic container in the fridge, reach for those instead and so forth.
  • ka_bateman
    ka_bateman Posts: 230 Member
    Find something to do...I have such a hard time keeping on track on days when I'm home and bored.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Yup - it all boils down to self-control. I established a "no eating between meals" rule for myself about 6 weeks ago, and some days it's so hard to resist. I find myself standing in the kitchen with the cabinet or refrigerator door open and have to throw a mental noose around my neck and drag myself mentally kicking and screaming back to whatever I should be doing instead of snacking.

    When I'm with my husband watching Netflix, sometimes he'll be snacking but I can't, so I go take a bath instead. Or do maintenance on the aquarium. Anything to keep my hand from dipping into that bowl.

    And every once in awhile, I give in to the impulse and set myself back. But as long as I'm succeeding more than not, I'm calling it good. I used to snack all day every day; that's where 50 extra pounds came from.
  • committowalk
    committowalk Posts: 59 Member
    I know I'm going to have a hard time if I'm at home and not doing anything. What helps me is staying active and busy. I also eat at slightly under my calorie goals Monday to Friday to bank some wiggle room for the weekends, when I know I will eat more junk. That way even if I eat junk I am not blowing my week. It also helps me to not buy junk food. Instead of chips, I'll eat popcorn. Instead of a candy bar, maybe just a small handfull of chocolate chips.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Just weigh them out and eat what you want. If you eat too much, exercise to burn some calories
  • A lot of weight loss plans allow for you to have one or two meals that are free and you can eat what you want. Within reason of course. Not 3000 calories worth.

    So just tell yourself, "I will have that.....what ever it is....on whatever day your cheat meal is. And put it out of your mind.

    By the time your cheat meal day comes you will have forgotten all about what you were tempted by and have moved on to something else you really want. Or if you still want it then you REALLY wanted it. And now you can have it.

    This has worked out really well for me. Most people are so low calories it is not going to hurt that much. Again, if you don't go over board and have 3000 and undo the whole week.

    Or just say "no" to drugs. Lol