Need running advise.



  • luckylissette
    luckylissette Posts: 24 Member
    I have about 65 pounds to lose to get to my ideal weight (roughly 75 to 85 get to healthy weight) and I have had bad knees for a very long time. I have done a bit of research one what I consider to be my bad knees and found that my knees hurt for a few reasons: 1) and the most obvious, I'm obese and 2) the surrounding muscles are out of shape, 3) your form is bad. Running on a treadmill is way better than on the road because the treadmill absorbs some of the impact.

    Now all this being said, I have also started the Couch 2 5K program and was TERRIFIED that my knees would be killing me, but amazingingly enough they're not. The program starts of slow enough so that you're body gets accustomed to the new activity, and on a treadmill where the impact is lighter than on a road, it's not so bad. Do think about form and do incorporate a strength program that will start strengthening the surrounding muscles. If you try it and have issues Rest, Ice and Elevate the knee.

    Try it out slowly, you don't need to go 10 mph on the treadmill - I personally go somewhere between 4.2 and 5 depending on my exhaustion level. You'll never know how your body will react if you don't give it a shot. Same concept as trying new foods. :)
  • jdub224
    jdub224 Posts: 120
    Couch to 5k all the way!!!

    You can do it on the treadmill,too.

    I would parrot other advise. Get good shoes. Get them fitted by people who run. Who know running. Also, most good running stores have training programs you can do, too.

    My best advice would be to get a running partner. I'm not sure how old your kids are, but I have seen plenty of 8-10-12 year olds out there on my 2 whole runs (1 mile and 1 5k). Even if you can meet someone at the gym who shares your time schedule. Pacing with someone can be a huge boost.
  • SuperMammaLeah
    SuperMammaLeah Posts: 93 Member
    Thank you all for the great advise.
  • drakechic08
    drakechic08 Posts: 156 Member
    There are also other 5k and 10 k programs that are more basic than c2k. I am following one where the first week you walk 4 min, run 1 for a certain number of rotations, 3x week. Then it moves to where it is more running and less walking. You just have to google beginner walking programs. I do this on the treadmill as it is pretty simple to follow. Make sure that you have the proper running shoes before you start so you don't injure yourself. Just make sure if you run on a treadmill you put the incline to 1, because that will simulate outdoor running.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    My #1 piece of advice for running on a treadmill:

    If you feel tired and need to slow down, don't just jump off. Make sure you slow down in a controlled manner.

    If you're heart rate is high enough and you just suddenly stop (I see people do this), you can pass out (I've seen this as well).
  • dawnshot
    dawnshot Posts: 137 Member
    There's no way I'd be running if I hadn't done the C25K! I thought I was going to die the first time I tried to run for the 30 secs! Now on last run on week 9, did it all on the treadmill, but now I've started to run putside, I find it really hard! I'm going to try putting the treadmill on an incline to build more stamina and try that between outdoors, felt as though I had an army backpack on today!
    Good luck, you'll do great with the C25K!