New Start

Hi All,

I'm new to the site, but not new to trying to lose weight. I heard about MFP through a friend, and so far, reallyI like what I see. I started yesterday, and already feel like tracking my food intake here will keep a level of accountability - which is good! Also, I love reading all the inspirational posts left by all of you already well on your way to meeting your goals. Here's hoping I'll be making a post, 35lbs lighter, that will help inspire some more new folks.

Good luck everyone! See you on the forums!


  • kimmie0627
    kimmie0627 Posts: 111 Member
    Good luck with your goal. I have been on here for a few months and have lost 20 lbs. This site helped my change the way I look at food. It is no longer a diet, it was a life style change.
