What's your deal breaker?



  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member

    - Bad Teeth
    - Typical Wannabe/ Frat Douche/ Jersey Shore-esque Persona
    - Height - must be taller than I am, ideally over 6 ft, so that I can wear heels
    - Smoker
    - Someone who is terrible at sex and not adventurous (not Christian Grey adventurous, but at least be willing to visit the lady garden)


    - Someone whose not passionate
    - Someone who doesn't have a raunchy sense of humor
    - Someone who is uptight
    - Someone who is controlling
    - Someone who has issues with spontaneity and trying new things
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    Hypercritical and judgemental
    plays head games
    lack of intelligence
    hates children
    hates older people (frankly, anyone who categorically hates any group of people is not for me!)
    Alcoholic or drug abuser
    Gambles in any form
    hates animals
    refuses to travel

    My biggest deal-breaker is someone who makes me feel terrible about myself. The first three fall under that category.
  • I could never date someone who is close-minded
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    Ever hit me
    Drug problem
  • 1.No sense of humor!
    2.Bad teeth
    3.If they are shorter than me (I am 5'3)
    5.'Ghetto' guys
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    Wow....all the people who say smokers. That's really sad. Granted, it's not the best of habits to have, but as a non-smoker who has been with a smoker for 8 years, it's not as horrible as one would think, especially if they make it a habit to brush their teeth often and smoke outside of the home. But I also come from a family of smokers, so this might be what swayed my decision to not care about it.

    Deal breakers for me? Abusive personality. Alcoholism (real alcoholism, not the weekend drinker. My parents drink daily....I can't stand that....and it's *ALOT* daily).
  • trackstack
    trackstack Posts: 174 Member
    a snitch or a wimp

    I'm LMAO at this! Greatest deal breaker ever hahaha
  • Drugs and alcoholism, negative attitude, controling, abusive, lack of sense of humor, insensitive un-sympothetic, hateful in all forms, superficial, self absorbed!! The list could go on, but I don't have all night!!
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Wow....all the people who say smokers. That's really sad. Granted, it's not the best of habits to have, but as a non-smoker who has been with a smoker for 8 years, it's not as horrible as one would think, especially if they make it a habit to brush their teeth often and smoke outside of the home. But I also come from a family of smokers, so this might be what swayed my decision to not care about it.

    Deal breakers for me? Abusive personality. Alcoholism (real alcoholism, not the weekend drinker. My parents drink daily....I can't stand that....and it's *ALOT* daily).

    My fiance is a smoker. He tries to quit, but something always happens where it's either he smokes, or he's unable to function. I've dated many smokers. It doesn't bother me because I've grown up in a house with a smoking mother and brother.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    If something happened to my husband these would be mine:

    They cant be a smoker (as an ex-smoker I can't stand to be around it, I have a child and want more and don't want to raise my kids in a house hold with someone who smokes)
    Does not like, love, and respect my son
    Commits any type of abuse (duh)
    Has no foundational faith (doesn't have to be a specific faith)
    Makes less money than me (I'm currently in that situation and it causes a lot of difficulty, the female friends that I have in similar situations tell me that they experience the same, there's an insecurity that this situation seems to arouse in even some of the seemingly most secure men)
    They must love dogs
    They must get my sense of humor
    They must be active, doesn't have to be the same activities I enjoy but the must be active and appreciate that I am active.
    Parents vastly different from me. My husband and I parent similarly, but we agrees upon all parenting methods, and out of respect always compromise to the more conservative options when we don see eye to eye. If we parented very differently we wouldn't be parenting together at all.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    How could I forget: POTHEADS!
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    -Anyone who is turned off by my vitiligo spots.
    -Smoking, for sure.
    -Lack of intelligence.
    -No sense of humor. (I am a big jokester and I want someone to giggle with.)
    -Anyone who thinks that my art is a waste of time. I love to paint and being a science major, I don't come across many art enthusiasts.
    Oh, and I almost forgot: he must love animals! :)

    There are more, but none as prominent as these.
  • Jennicia
    Jennicia Posts: 409 Member
    a liar and a cheater!
  • dawn2313
    dawn2313 Posts: 125 Member
    I can get past mostly anything unless you have no sense of humor at all. I get that it might take a while to let it out if you're shy and all that, but if you can't make me laugh eventually then it's definitely a deal breaker!
  • cdpark617
    cdpark617 Posts: 316 Member
    Wow....all the people who say smokers. That's really sad. Granted, it's not the best of habits to have, but as a non-smoker who has been with a smoker for 8 years, it's not as horrible as one would think, especially if they make it a habit to brush their teeth often and smoke outside of the home. But I also come from a family of smokers, so this might be what swayed my decision to not care about it.

    Deal breakers for me? Abusive personality. Alcoholism (real alcoholism, not the weekend drinker. My parents drink daily....I can't stand that....and it's *ALOT* daily).

    It is partially a smell thing for me, I walk by someone smoking and the smell is revolting. Also, for me anyone who is near my age grew up in an era where it was 100% clear smoking was bad for you. If you choose to smoke, that is your free choice, it just tells me that we most likely have different priorities.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    No sense of humor
    Someone I am not attracted to
  • If hes a smoker than it cant go any further.
    If hes not then no drivers license and vehicle.
  • Ivy_leaves
    Ivy_leaves Posts: 103 Member
    Less than average intelligence.
    Super religious.
    Drug addict... Especially alcohol/heroin/crack/meth ugh yes all that - no thanks.
  • kittyraj
    kittyraj Posts: 129 Member
    I won't date someone religious or associated with extreme religions.

    Some Islamic sects, Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, just nothing too extreme that's all.

    I won't date a drug user nor an ex drug user or someone who has sex for drugs / money (for health reasons)

    I won't date a man who has had sex with another man.

    I won't date someone who can't drive.

    I won't date someone who is not my financial equal, the last divorce cost me enough!
  • kittyraj
    kittyraj Posts: 129 Member
    a liar and a cheater!

    Oh yeah and that too!