Walking with children in the winter



    I've been dragging my kids out in all weathers since the day they were born. Kids will walk as long as you need them too, just keep the walk interesting looking for leaves, bugs, animal spotting etc or keeping it to lots of short walks with gaps in between to rest or have a drink etc.

    We got caught out on the moors (i'm from the North in the UK) when a freak weather front came in & it rained then snowed so bad it was a white out & we weren't really dressed for it. But when we managed to get back to the car after about 2 hours & we had hot drinks & sandwiches & they said had loved the adventure even though they were really cold - it's still a walk they talk about now and it's been 5 years ago!

    So kids can get cold and wet and moan they are tired but all in all they love being outside so just go for it! :happy:

    I too live near the moors in Yorkshire!! Best place in the world !!

    as for walking your children in the cold,i agree with a lot of you.Wrap them up and make it interesting.If you have one take a digital camera with you and get your little one to take pictures of things as you go.Give him a list of things to look out for.xx
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    As a kid the only thing I had to play with was OUTSIDE. Sun, rain, snow.. everyday was a play day outside. Of course in the extreme cold we would take breaks for cocoa and to warm hands near the stove. But, then right back out.