I need to vent!!!!

courtneycatt Posts: 25 Member
edited November 2023 in Health and Weight Loss
I am eating less calories than this site recommends, I workout (cardio and weights) everyday and sometimes twice a day and I still havent lost any weight.
This has been going on for 3 week now and I dont know what to do!!
I have changed cardio routine and pushed myself harder than ever!
So my question is what's the deal? Any ideas or suggestions?


  • courtneycatt
    courtneycatt Posts: 25 Member
    I am eating less calories than this site recommends, I workout (cardio and weights) everyday and sometimes twice a day and I still havent lost any weight.
    This has been going on for 3 week now and I dont know what to do!!
    I have changed cardio routine and pushed myself harder than ever!
    So my question is what's the deal? Any ideas or suggestions?
  • what kind of foods are you eating?
  • Sorry....that wasn't a very good reply. My guess would be, you need to eat more calories. I am working with a trainer right now, weight training, and also cardio and wants to see me eating 1600 calories a day. To me this seems crazy, and I am having a mental struggle eating this much. I gained 3lbs, and was pissed off......but.......I am fitting into jeans I havent worn for a year,and I can tell my muscles are tightening up, so there is definately more to it than what the scale tells you. How are u eating?? Are you snacking a lot?
  • courtneycatt
    courtneycatt Posts: 25 Member
    Well my diet is so boring cereal in the morning sandwich and reduced fat chips for lunch and baked chicken and veggies for dinner.
    I have noticed that my clothes fit so much bigger, and I know that this should be a great thing, but I cant get over the scale I want it to say less. I have lost 21 total but I need to lose more about 13 more. SO I dont know, I want to quit so bad becuase I am not seeing results on the scale, but I know that that is stupid so I keep going!
  • eortenzo
    Maybe it would help to buy just a couple new tops or a pair of jeans - I know you probably don't want to spend a bunch of money b/c you're hoping to lose more, but getting something cute and new and in a smaller size might help you stay motivated!
  • LadyZoe
    LadyZoe Posts: 36 Member
    I haven't seen any loss yet either and I've been at it for four weeks so far, and got frusterated enough that I wanted to know what was up...

    Well.. I found this info out earlier today while searching.
    I'm sure that there's more info out there about the why it seems to be so hard to see results sooner than later ... But here are a few that I took notice over .. I hope it's helpful
    Good luck with your goals!


    Reasons you may gain at first when increasing your calories:

    During the first week or so of introducing more food, you may experience some scale weight. This is fake weight and can be contributed for many reasons.

    1.) Consuming more food means by pure odds that you will also be consuming more sodium. More Sodium than usual, every day for a week can bloat you close to 2 more lbs.

    2.) Waste. The human body can hold up to 8lbs of waste. If you eat more, your body is temporarily going to hold more.

    The weight gained in the first couple weeks cannot be fat as long as you are under your Sedentary caloric burn.

    Usually this weight gain scares many people away from eating more. They panic and cut their eating habits too much. Getting into an unhealthy pattern and putting their metabolism into a stand still from the lack of the ((minimum)) 1200 calorie intake needed to even function from day to day.

    Their body goes into starvation mode, and then things start to crawl along at a snails pace no matter how hard the exercise or deprive themselves of food, discouraging them even more.

    Even when they feel like the results are beginning to show, because they deprived themselves so much and took an unhealthy approach to lose the weight, as soon as they try to go back to any type of a 'normal' eating/lifestyle routine the weight comes crashing back.
    Some times with a lot more weight added on than the initial weight they tried so hard to break free from.

    Every time they go through the cycle of the 'crash diet' weight loss, they then have the inevitable gain back. It is a little bit harder the next time around to lose the weight again. And it gets even harder with every crash diet bounce to get rid of those extra pounds that piled on as a protective buffer for the next bout of starvation/abuse it may have to endure.

    It's a vicious cycle and it takes a lot of time and patience to break free of.

    The key is to find a 'healthy' approach and stick through it even if it seems to be a slow process.

    If you want short term results, things are quickly done.
    If you want long term results, it takes time, determination and patience.

  • I think it has to do with your diet. You are in a rut. Especially if you are eating the same things all the time. I wonder if your body has entered into starvation mode, because you are doing cardio, and weights, and not taking in enough calories? Have you ever read the body for life book?
  • courtneycatt
    courtneycatt Posts: 25 Member
    I did change up my cardio I was just running but now I am doing intervels jogging then running as hard as I can then I walk as fast as I can on a 15 incline, maybe this is help. And the diet I do becuase it is easy and the family likes it to. YUCK!!
  • pattibourbeau
    pattibourbeau Posts: 1 Member
    I don't know if this applies to you, but I have been a member of LA Weight Loss. My weight loss phase was based on how much cardio I did. My weight loss program was based on doing more than five cardio hours per week. Hence, I needed to eat 2-1/2 protein servings a day. One serving of protein would be 7 ounches raw, or 6 ounches cooked. At breakfast, if I ate eggs, you would need to have three egg whites for one-half protein. It was hard to eat six ounces of protein, believe me. If I didn't eat it all, I would be hungry soon.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    You need to eat a bigger variety and more. If you eat too little you are setting yourself up for disappointment later. You need to eat more calories spread out over the day instead of just 3 times per day, even an apple between lunch and dinner will benefit you.

    Too few cals and increased exercise you may send your body into panic, or starvation mode and your body is doing what it does naturally, protecting the vital organs from starving. You need a minimum of 800 calories a day just to give your body what it needs to function (breath, think, move).

    Also, when you do the same exercise or same eatting from day to day your body adjusts and quits doing what you want it to do. You have done great so far, and it is hard not to keep going when you have done so well but you probably need to adjust your calorie intake vs. output to continue loosing weight.

    Keep up the good work!
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