DepoShot - Ladies

I have been on the depo shot since may. Since starting the shot, I haven't had even one period... I love that part!
But there are negatives that have started since starting the shot

-My hair is falling out (not badly, but it is WAY thinner
-I am getting acne
-My hair breaks near the root and i am left with little (2-3inch long) twigs of hair that stick straight up
-I have started over-eating and craving foods and gained back 20 pounds
-I've noticed I am moody and irritable at times

I really like not having periods but I'm not so sure the negatives are worth it?


  • kdoty0305
    I was on the depo shot years ago for about 3 years. When I went off of it, it took my body a long time to recover. I had my period for about 9 months, pretty much straight. I'd have it for 2 weeks, stop for maybe a week (if I were lucky), then again for another 2 weeks. It sucked and although it was convenient at my (young) age, it really sucked coming off of it.

    There's a lot of other alternatives these days to depo...where you only get your period every 2 or 3 months.
  • LittleBallofFurr
    LittleBallofFurr Posts: 242 Member
    Ive been on the depo shot for 3 years. I was really moody for the first 3-4 months and then it balanced out. Your hormones go wacky the week that you get it renewed, but other than that (and the occasional breakout) I have had no problems.
  • Garnet2727
    Garnet2727 Posts: 11 Member
    Depo works well for some women; not so well for others. I've been on Depo for 13 years without a single negative side effect. It's been a miracle drug for me. My periods were horrible; I'll spare everyone the gory details of that. On the other hand I have a friend who can't tolerate Depo at all. The negative side effects she encountered were just too much and she went off of it after the first shot. Instead, her doc put her on an oral form of birth control with a different hormonal mix. She just skips the placebo week and doesn't have a period at all.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    It wasn't for me at all. The moodiness was bad enough but when I end up having a light period continuously (for like 3 weeks at a time) for which my dr prescribed Premarin for (more hormones, usually prescribed for menopause), I was out.
    I never liked the no period thing. I am paranoid I guess I like the reassurance when I get it.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    I was on the depo shot years ago for about 3 years. When I went off of it, it took my body a long time to recover. I had my period for about 9 months, pretty much straight. I'd have it for 2 weeks, stop for maybe a week (if I were lucky), then again for another 2 weeks. It sucked and although it was convenient at my (young) age, it really sucked coming off of it.

    Same experience here. No period for over a year, then 9 months of bleeding. Maybe a day or two's freedom here and there.

    Edited to say that I like my period to arrive properly as well. Freaks me out when it's not normal.
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    I don't think that it's worth it! Getting your period only happens once a month and I know it stinks. But losing hair and gaining weight? I would rather deal with my girl problems.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I was on the deposhot for about 1 year back in 2000-2001. Gained 75lbs while on it and they pulled me off it. My husband also said I was a nightmare on it I guess I would just yell at him for random things at random times. I didn't notice he but he did. I also loved the fact that I did not have my period but when they pulled me off it it took 18 months for me to get back to normal and the first month that I had my period I ended up pregnant. I still haven't lost the weight I gained and 2 kids later it is going to be harder. I tried the Nuvaring back in 2005 and at first I liked it never gained a pound or had mood changes, but since I had a vaginal delivery with my first child the ring didn't like to stay in which I found out later is a problem with women who have had children. Birth control is a pain I think this time after I have this kid I am going to try an IUD. I do not take the pill because it causes my blood pressure to go screwy.
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    I've been on it for >15 years (except for the break I took to have my son). I love it and haven't had any side effects. To me, it's magic.

    My sister on the other hand also complained of weight gain.

    it's hit or miss. I say this a s a woman and as a physician.
  • petite_boleyn
    I've been on the shot now for about 6 months, and while never getting a period is pretty awesome, I have noticed that I tend to crave foods too. And binge eat. It's pretty bad, and I'm trying to find healthy coping mechanisms for when I want to binge. (Not sure if the bingeing is directly from the depo though.)
  • AudreyinNC
    My daughter was born 15 years ago and I knew I didn't want anymore kids after her, I was 21. First thing I did was the depo shot. It was horrible, had all the side effects you mentioned. I went from 130 lbs to 172 lbs AFTER she was born on the shot and felt horrible, again, 21 years old. Went off the shot, and tried every pill known to man, some did OK, some not. Every time some new BC pill came out promising to be different and great I would switch. Even did the patch for about a year.
    When I turned 30 I told my Doctor to give me something non-hormonal, even if we had to do surgery (which she would not because, again I was 30 and only 1 kid she was convinced I would change my mind, NOT). This was after reading all the "bad" stuff, cancer statistics, etc. They are ALL the same. You are putting a chemical based hormone into your body that would otherwise not naturally be there. Therefor there will be negative side effects in some way shape or form from all of them. She suggested the copper T IUD. We did it 6 years ago and I've never looked back. No side effects, no pregnancy, I don't even know its there. I'm replacing mine next year with a new one. And hopefully after that I wont have to worry about BC ever again. I've read where some people say they fall out, however I don't know how, its in your uterus, unless you have a hole the size of Texas, sorry but its true, and my doctor told me she is convinced those people are lying for some reason, there is just no way it can travel from your uterus past your closed cervix and out your hoohaa. To me that's like saying you peed out your kidney. LOL Anyway, I love it, have never felt it and have gone on with my life never worrying about BC for the last 6 years! And the second best part, if you ever decide to get PG again, you go right on back to your DR. she pops it out, feels similar to a PAP. And your good to go, no waiting.
  • acbabbitt
    I have a Mirena IUD - no periods (yay!) and none of the wild side effects I'm reading about on this thread.

    Best of luck to you - I really cannot imagine trying to manage those levels of side effects.
  • Ivy_leaves
    Ivy_leaves Posts: 103 Member
    Depo shot is bad news from what I hear. Personally, I take the generic of sesonique. Only 4 short periods a year and none of the crazy weight gain I've heard about that comes with the shot. You will get bigger boobs with sesonique though. XD
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    Sounds like it really depends on the individual. I've been on Depo for about 17 years, and I wouldn't want to go off it. I haven't noticed any horrible side effects, and I LOVE not having a period.
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    Any kind of hormone based birth control turns me into a crazy psycho nut case. 1 week a month of total inconvenience, 2 crabby days, and some cramps are better for me then that! On the other hand I know lots of girls who are actually much more mellow on the hormonal bc, so it's good for them! I am a little jealous. Would love to skip the nastiness. Ah well.
  • Danardeener
    I tried the Depo shot years ago....It made me very irritable too....except I didn't notice it but everyone around me did. I jumped off it as soon as I could and took the pill instead.
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    I've been on Depo for 4 years now. No negative side effects to speak of. Zero weight gain. In fact I've lost 42# to date. I love not getting my period.
  • kellimr
    kellimr Posts: 69
    I have been on & off the Depo shot (off right now) for almost 20 years. I did gain weight when I first started taking it as well. I was able to lose it but have yo-yoed with my weight all this time so can't blame depo specifically. Definitely had some mood swings but...again I can't say it was the Depo for sure that was to blame or simply being a woman. Most women have mood swings regardless of what type of b/c they are on ~ if any! I have taken a break from it for the past year and I do thing my moods have improved but I still get pms now that periods have returned which took about 8 months to be regular. They are normal periods now. All in all it worked for me and wasn't horrible. Good luck with your decision!
  • vabchloser
    vabchloser Posts: 223 Member
    I've been on depo for over a year. I found that, at first, I had to handle food cravings (or that could have been mental, who knows). I weigh less than when I got my first dose.

    Side effect - I get the shot every 3 months. In those 3 months, I'll probably spend 3 weeks spotting, maybe a few days of period. Not where you'd have to wear heavy equipment, but enough that you do not wanna go in for sexy time with someone new.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I lost bone density on it and my hair fell out. Wasn't worth it for me. No thank you. I use an IUD now, which everyone I hear hates, but I love. Everyone is different, but just remember that when it comes to birth control there are countless options, so if this isn't working for you, ask your doctor to try another.
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    I've been on the Depo for 16 years and I absolutely love it! No period at all. I had a couple of girlfriends that had bad side effects when I recommended it to them - the extra heavy bleeding and weight gain; but I've not had any. Love not having to worry about having "that time of the month" come around. I started way too young - and good riddance!!