interested in heavy lifting



  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Besides, power lifting has weight divisions with most girls at the smaller weights simply having strong, but athletic physiques.
  • jefedesalto
    jefedesalto Posts: 154 Member
    I am glad to see more women getting into lifting. It gives girls an awesome toned look. I tell my wife all the time she needs to chill on the spinning and hit the weights at least three times a week. I promise her she isn't going to end up looking like Arnold, just that she needs to find a suitable weight program designed for women and "Stronglifts of New Rules of Lifting for Women" is a great place to start.

    My advice on top of that would be to grab a trainer next time your at the gym and get someone who is certified to watch you lift.

    While I totally agree with you that its great to see more women lifting, there is absolutely no reason for us to do a 'women specific' program. The only difference between us and guys is that we usually have to go up in smaller increments and we stall out quicker due to lower testosterone and muscle mass. There are a lot of women on here alone that do Stronglifts for example - which is not a 'women's' program. I do Wendler - again, not a 'women's' program.

    That being said, New Rules of Lifting for Women is a very popular program that a lot of people have had success with.

    Please don't take what I said to mean women CAN'T lift the same as men. I'll be the first to tell youths there are women at my gym that make me look like a 9 year old little girl lol.
    I meant no chauvinism. To be perfectly clear, I meant most women, don't want to have power lifters body. My wife for example doesn't want to look like a power lifter. She prefers to look more like a swimmer. Everyone regardless of sex, has an ideal body type for themselves. That image that THEY want to see in the mirror.
    I am just happy that more women are focusing on weight lifting than have been in the past.
    I'll ask a lady for a spot every day of the week and twice on Sundays if I am lifting heavy. You go girl!

    There once was a maiden named Millie,
    Who was at the gym being silly.
    She loaded a bar,
    Lifted weight like a star!
    The fun stopped when she popped out a willie.

    Now this was funny!!!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I am glad to see more women getting into lifting. It gives girls an awesome toned look. I tell my wife all the time she needs to chill on the spinning and hit the weights at least three times a week. I promise her she isn't going to end up looking like Arnold, just that she needs to find a suitable weight program designed for women and "Stronglifts of New Rules of Lifting for Women" is a great place to start.

    My advice on top of that would be to grab a trainer next time your at the gym and get someone who is certified to watch you lift.

    I agree. I purchased a book last year called Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe. He gets into the mechanics involved in good form. Very important for heavy lifting. It was interesting information to learn. And you don't have to tons of isolation exercises. Although I do have to admit that the P90X Arms sessions were my favorite!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I also agree with Stronglifts 5x5 suggestions.
  • stephanieb72
    stephanieb72 Posts: 390 Member