This deployment won't make me fat!

runningdiva Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
My husband has left for a year long deployment to Iraq. The emotions are running high and I'm pretty much a basket case ready to burst into tears at any given moment.
I'm determined to not let myself go while he is away and we have both committed to losing weight while he is deployed - 30 pounds for him, 20 for me, which will put me at a great weight for my height.
We have no children and I'm currently going to school so I really have no excuses as far as time constraints go to kick myself into high gear. I'm looking forward to getting to know some other people and maybe some other military spouses going through the same thing.


  • kann007
    kann007 Posts: 15
    Hi and welcome! This site will help you a lot. My husband just got back from a year long deployment from Iraq:)
  • You can do it!! GOOD LUCK!!
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    My fiance just left on the 8th for a year long deployment to Kuwait (Well, he's only in TX now, but you know the drill). My goal is to lose about 30lbs. I'm also going to school full time with no kiddos so I'm in pretty much the same boat as you! I actually feel really motivated to lose the weight because I know he's going to be exercising a LOT and I don't want to look bad next to him when he comes home! lol
    I've only been using this site consistently since he left (I only found out about it at the end of December) and I'm already really impressed with how encouraging everybody is here.
    I know its tough right now - especially if you don't know many people going through the same things as you. But I think this is a great resource and community of people who are more than willing to help any time you need it. =)
    Good luck with the weight loss! You'll do great!
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