Low BMR, but MFP recommends 1200 minimum?

My mom is new to MFP and has a question so I am helping out and posting this for her:
She is 5’ 2", weighs 122. Her goal is 110.

When we entered her info at Christmas, MPF suggested the usual minimum of 1200. But she finds that to be way too much food even when she exercises, unless she "pigs out on sweets" (her term :smile: ) . She currently walks about 3 miles a day for exercise -- some days more. She tells me she is not eating her exercise calories (again -- too much food). I know she has a healthy diet -- lots of salads, fruits and veggies. Other than her first week, she is losing about a half pound per week. We checked her BMR (using the site calculator) today and it said hers is 1047. If I understand this correctly, that is the amount of calories she currently burns doing nothing. MPF is constantly telling her she is below her calories --and risking the dreaded starvation mode.

So here are our questions -- What does it really mean when your BMR is below 1200? Mine is 1244 and has been dropping the more I work at this so I am curious too. Should she (can she) lower the minimum calorie amount shown on food diary? If so, what should she lower it too?


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    If you were to ask my opinion I would put BMR out of your head. It shouldn't be a factor for most people. BMR is what your body burns to run it's basic bodily functions and does NOT include anything voluntary (like moving, blinking, turning your head...etc.) I.E. if you were in a coma, then you would be burning around your BMR (plus a little more), so forget BMR, it shouldn't really play a roll in this kind of decision.

    now, I don't know here age (so I guessed around 70 or so, this will change the numbers a little, but not a lot if she is older or younger) So I did her numbers assuming lightly active, and she has a TDEE (maintenance calories) of about 1450. With 12 lbs as a goal weight loss, she should be looking for a deficit of around 250 calories a day, so (1/2 lb a week or so). But I wouldn't go much lower than that. The fact that she lies outside the norm with regards to body type, size, and weight, means that she can adjust the MFP averages down a little, but even then 1200 is probably about as low as I would go.

    It's important for older women (and men) to do not only cardiovascular exercise, but also low weight, high rep weight training (NOT to failure in most cases) as this helps stave off osteoporosis and bone loss, but in order for this to work, they need to eat enough. That's a big problem for older women. Make sure she understands that one of the first things the body will do if it feels like it's not getting enough nutrients, is suck away bone density. Especially for older women.
  • JJs25th
    JJs25th Posts: 204 Member
    Thank you thank you SHBoss! I was hoping you would post -- I couldn't remember your user name or would have asked in a message. You age guess isn't far off -- 67. She is very small frame (I think the max she ever weighed was in the 140s). She has oestoprosis that is under treatment. She is actually fairly active with her walking, and she has started working her trykke again today. I had told her that I thought half a pound per week was about right for her, but wanted a better understanding. Now if she manages to up her calorie intake using higher calorie foods like nuts and nut butters any idea how this will affect her weight loss journey?
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Thank you thank you SHBoss! I was hoping you would post -- I couldn't remember your user name or would have asked in a message. You age guess isn't far off -- 67. She is very small frame (I think the max she ever weighed was in the 140s). She has oestoprosis that is under treatment. She is actually fairly active with her walking, and she has started working her trykke again today. I had told her that I thought half a pound per week was about right for her, but wanted a better understanding. Now if she manages to up her calorie intake using higher calorie foods like nuts and nut butters any idea how this will affect her weight loss journey?

    hard to tell, I would say this though, do it slowly, don't suddenly go from 1100 to 1400 or you most likely will see weight gain. As with anyone, it's gonna have to be a bit of a game of tweak this, check that, adjust. For the osteo treatment, did they tell her to do light resistance training with weight? That's the ACSM recommendation for treating osteo. (along with supplements). Walking's good though, although swimming or the elliptical might be better as even though walking is relatively low impact, it's still a little rough on the knees, lower back, and ankles.
  • jrhm
    jrhm Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you SHBoss for your reply and comments to jjs25th, I feel good eating the amounts I eat, I am not going through the day hungry. My main downfall is chocolate in almost any form except yogurt or chees cake! I will be 67 years old in July and never had a weight problem until mid life. Highest I have weighed is 130 except when pregnant. I never weighed over 100 pounds until I was pregnant either, then seemed to settle at about 105 until surgery in my 50's. Now I try to watch and not get over 115, but due to stress and stuff I stopped watching and hit 128 just before Christmas. I take Forteo for my osteoporosis, it is a daily injection, and is for persons who have broken a bone while on the other osteoporosis meds - for me it was my back. I am now back to my regular exercise ritual except waiting for warmer weather to get back into the pool - even in Florida it is too cold for me. I have also just started classes in Tai Chi and loving it. Thanks again.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Thank you SHBoss for your reply and comments to jjs25th, I feel good eating the amounts I eat, I am not going through the day hungry. My main downfall is chocolate in almost any form except yogurt or chees cake! I will be 67 years old in July and never had a weight problem until mid life. Highest I have weighed is 130 except when pregnant. I never weighed over 100 pounds until I was pregnant either, then seemed to settle at about 105 until surgery in my 50's. Now I try to watch and not get over 115, but due to stress and stuff I stopped watching and hit 128 just before Christmas. I take Forteo for my osteoporosis, it is a daily injection, and is for persons who have broken a bone while on the other osteoporosis meds - for me it was my back. I am now back to my regular exercise ritual except waiting for warmer weather to get back into the pool - even in Florida it is too cold for me. I have also just started classes in Tai Chi and loving it. Thanks again.

    Good job jrhm! Tai Chi is EXCELLENT for osteo!

    although the calories do concern me a little. Be careful with the mentality of "I don't go through the day hungry" remember, the body is a wonderful machine, if you are hungry for a long time, it WILL shut down the hormones that trigger you to feel hungry, so hunger is not necessarily an indicator of whether you are eating enough. If you're talking a matter of 50 or 100 calories, I'm not overly concerned, but if you're talking about say 250 or 300 calories short of what MFP has you at, that could be a problem long term, especially for the osteo (your bones need those nutrients!).

    Anyway, best of luck to you, sounds like you are doing well, keep it up, be patient, and know that I'm jealous of the FL. people right now (I live north of Boston). :happy:
  • jrhm
    jrhm Posts: 47 Member
    I figured you were from Boston, I am a Red Sox fan too! I am loosing about 1/2 pound a week which I guess is a good amount, I know it isn't good to take it off too quick - comes back faster than it came off that way. Tai Chi class tonight was awsome! I would have started taking it a long time ago, but couldn't find a place I liked here, the schools were more into the fighting marshall arts, and I'm not into that. I can hurt myself easy enough without help from others in the form of fighting! Thanks again for your comments.