Why (crash) diets fail.

You've heard it over and over, "I went on this diet and lost weight but then gained it all back" or "crash diets don't work, you end up being even fatter" or one I hear often "you're staving yourself, it's unhealthy."

Rest assured, I am far from starving. I eat to live, not live to eat. When I finish a meal I feel satisfied. Not stuffed like I just pigged out but content.

Having said that, it is true that often times diets and more often crash diets fail. The reason why is really quite simple. People look at diets as a project or a chore. They associate it with a task that is finite. They tell themselves that when they reach their goal weight that then they can "treat" themselves by resuming a "normal" diet. Therein lies the problem.

You see, I don't look at it as a diet but rather a lifestyle. Much like smoking. People that truly set out to quit smoking don't say, "When I stop having cravings then I'll have a cigarette" that's ridiculous! They set out to quit permanently. Losing weight is no different. It's a lifestyle choice to be thiner and healthier.

The root problem is that when people reach their weight goals they start to slip back into their old eating habits. Lets face it, some things should just not be eaten! Moderation is key here. You have to learn self control. I know many people who have had gastric bypass and more then a few of them have ended up being obese again because they refuse to change their lifestyle.

We all have our weaknesses. Mine is hotdogs and SPAM... Not the email kind either. I absolutely love hotdogs. I could eat a whole pack of them by myself in one setting. And SPAM, oh lord! Makes the best sandwiches! But you know what? I seldom ever eat hotdogs and I never eat SPAM at all. You know why? Because THAT'S HOW I GOT FAT IN THE FIRST PLACE! I mean come on, SPAM??? That stuff is garbage! Do you know what they make that junk out of? Pure nasty!

I made a lifestyle choice to be thin and healthy and when I changed my mindset I no longer see it as a diet but rather the best decision I've ever made for my physical health. So stop dieting and start living healthy.
