a new addition to myfitnesspal (a lover of rich foods)

So, as I have said on my 'about me' page, my lifestyle is literally making me nauseous at the middle-end of my day. I have a problem with eating bad food (fast food), sweets and chocolate and i think I have an addiction to sauces... i love sauce hahaha.... its hard not to double dip everything... that being said, i am in a rut that i am afraid of not getting out of if I dont start now.. I remember a time when food was strictly something i used to survive.. now its my entertainment, spare time, and friend. I would not have started if i didnt stumble upon this website because it reminded me that there is a sea of other people out there with the intention of feeling and looking better just like me... please add me as a friend so we can discuss our successes!


  • Ugh, tell me about it. BLAND IS THE ENEMY. You sound like me. I joined yesterday (after about a years diet relapse..) and this time I'm in it for good. Nice to know someone's around that understands my craving for FLAVOURRR ohhhh rich decadent flavour. haha looking forward to helping you out! (read my last forum post for my story!) xx Isabelle
  • The important thing to remember is that you can still have sauce, just smaller servings. I love sauce, tonight I'm having stir fry, with sauce added. But I just minimize my serving, still get plenty of flavour and don't feel like I missed out.