Should I be losing weight every day?

cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
If my daily caloric intake is less than my Basal Metabolic Rate, shouldn't I be losing weight gradually every day?

I've been at this for just over two weeks now and the weight loss has slowed down significantly. I'm fine with that. But this morning I had an increase of about 1.5 lbs which I can't figure out. I didn't record it because I'm hoping it's an anomaly.

I've been sick this past week, so maybe that's throwing things off. It's certainly cut into my ability to exercise.


  • don't weigh yourself everyday. try for just once a week. pick the same day and time each week. if you do go up a little don't worry. you might have slipped a little the previous week. just get back on track and don't let it bother you.
  • dumbfox
    dumbfox Posts: 13
    I'm a daily weigher too because I think it keeps me on track. I really watch my sodium intake. If I have a day with really high sodium, I always know the next morning the scale is going to show a gain. Maybe that's the case for you too?
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    A person can fluctuate weight up to 10lbs a day. If I weighed myself after lunch I probably would show a 1lbs weight gain from this morning. It would be the weight of my food that hasn't digested yet, not actual pounds.
  • Carleybby
    Carleybby Posts: 158
    I weigh myself every couple days and always on mondays.

    I don't let a couple lbs up or down bother me, some people it does.

    You shouldn't worry.
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    At first you will lose a lot of weight dramatically, so YES, it is a possibility to lose weight every day. I swear, at first I dropped 6 oz every 3-4 days! It will slow down.

    Try to remember your weight can fluctuate up to 5lbs (and sometimes more) every day, depending on several factors. Have patience, get back on track as you start to feel better, and you will see things moving in the right direction soon!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Being under your BMR can hinder weight loss as your body is not getting enough calories to function and you can slow down your metabolism causing you to loose weight much slower. Try changing your goals to 1 pound lost per week and eat all the cals that MFP suggest and you should loose 0.5-1.5 per week, the range is there as everyone's metabolism is different and a lot depends on water retention.
  • sineadmm
    sineadmm Posts: 190
    This is exactly why I don't weigh myself. I started dieting and have been very strict for 21 days. Am pretty sure I've lost about 5lbs. But refuse to weigh myself until at least March.

    You should NOT weigh yourself everyday, At least once a week, or even 2-3 weeks. Plan your meals beforehand, be strict with yourself , exericise, lots of water and the weight WILL come off. Don't give up now!!!

    Good luck to you.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    If my daily caloric intake is less than my Basal Metabolic Rate, shouldn't I be losing weight gradually every day?

    I've been at this for just over two weeks now and the weight loss has slowed down significantly. I'm fine with that. But this morning I had an increase of about 1.5 lbs which I can't figure out. I didn't record it because I'm hoping it's an anomaly.

    I've been sick this past week, so maybe that's throwing things off. It's certainly cut into my ability to exercise.

    Unfortunatly the body does not work like a linear equation. Once I got past the initial "shock" weight. I'll go three weeks w/o seeing a change, maybe even gain a little, and then I'll lose 6 lbs in a week. Then some weeks I'll gain as much as 4lbs, and then lose 8 the next. I'm a big dude so most people won't have that wild a swing, but what I'm trying to say is you want to see a gradual trend downward over several weeks.
  • geicko
    geicko Posts: 151
    You are most probably losing a little every day but remember it takes 3500 calories to make a pound of fat, so it takes a few days for a loss to really show up on the scale. Having a 600 or 800 calories deficit one day will not be visible on the scale the next day.

    And there is the water. Drink more and you'll weight more. Let yourself get badly dehydrated and you'll magically "lose" weight overnight.

    I'd got with the others and recommend that:
    1) you don't weight yourself daily, or if you do, that you realise the numbers you see are just numbers and don't necessarily reflect fat loss/gain and
    2) you try to eat a little more of the good stuff so that you don't slow your metabolism.
  • It's common to reach a plateau when losing weight but don't worry, it usually picks up again.
    Weight can vary on a day by day basis so I agree with the above poster that weighing once a week should be suffcient to guage how you're doing.
    Don't forget as well, that muscle weighs more than fat, so if you are working out - it can appear that your weight isn't changing much or that you have put on a few pounds but it is instead more muscle mass that has been produced.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I fluctuate by a couple pounds day to day and with different times of the day. Could depend on exercise as well. If I do strength training- next morning I am up 2 pounds - it's fluid not actual weight.

    Find a time that you weigh same time, same clothing, same factors (before breakfast) and stick to it - once a week is usually good.
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member

    I didn't know sodium intake could affect weight loss. I was actually over my sodium limit yesterday, although I didn't realize that until after I entered my dinner and MFP alerted me that I was in the red. Guess I shouldn't have had that pickle ...
  • tayner
    tayner Posts: 372
    Sodium will make your body retain fluid, which is why if you are dehydrated your body craves salty foods. drink water, lots of it, and it will help flush out the excess sodium, and try to limit the sodium, especially in prepared, canned, boxed foods. It is hidden everywhere!

    Also, dont weigh so much. Sometimes I will go weeks and lose 1 pound, then I will lose 4 in a week. Just keep at it, be patient, and try not to focus so much on the scale but on being healthy, and the scale WILL follow :)
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    Trust the system. Eat the calories that MFP tells you to eat (inclulding your exercise calories!!!) and you will notice loss. Try, if you can, to only weigh once a week at the same time. I know it's tempting to see progress but with water retention and other things the daily fluctuations can be enough to drive one crazy.
  • when u first start you'll lose alot of water weight. Then things will slow down. I weigh daily as well but only in the morning before a meal and restroom..i NEVER pay much attention to any readings thru day. I weighed 8 lbs lighter one a.m then went to a doctor appnt(made me mad that she had to record it too):explode:
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    One thing I noticed on your diary;

    1. You're severely limiting your calories;
    2. Your breakfast is practically non-existent
    3. You only eat 3 times a day

    To help with cravings and also to keep your metabolism fired, you need to eat a minimum of 5 times a day, 6 would be better. Every 2.5 to 3.5 hours. Look at my diary from yesterday as an example; or any other day previous.

    I've actually noticed this on alot of peoples food diaries.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I looked at your diary and unless you don't track everything, you are not eating enough.
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    I've been pretty meticulous about entering everything I eat, even gum. I've been shooting for 1500 calories a day, and I haven't been suffering from cravings at all. A couple days are much lower, but those were unintentional.
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    If the number of calories that MFP calculates for you to eat to lose 2 lbs a week is what is on your food diary it's very important to eat them. Additionally, if you're doing any exercise it's important to eat those, too. I really urge you to read this post to understand a little better why it's so important. If you go under the calories that you need for your body to function it will retaliate and store fat. Please, please, please at least read this. It's a really hard concept to understand and follow, this whole "eat to lose" but it's really true.
  • jelura5
    jelura5 Posts: 1
    lose 10 pounds in a month is certainly possible, especially with a trainer, but not easy. Remember the formula is 3500 calories down will lose you 1 pound... this includes both training (additional calories burned) and eating. So if you want to lose that kind of weight, doing the math you need to either excerise off or eat 8000 calories less per week. That's quite a few; especially when your intake was probably somewhere between 1800 and 2000 before.

    Odds are if you're at the weight you're at, you probably have been taking in far more calories than you think. A safe rule of math, btw; is you should never really take in less calories than your body weight (in lbs) X 10 over an extended period; and really X 11 is about right (X15 would be your standard "break even", so if you weigh close to 140 at this point you could eat ~2000 calories per day and be semi-active and maintain your weight).

    This is where this is tool is truly starting to help me. I realized I had been taking in ~3400 calories, which is why (similar to you) I had gained about 12 pounds over the last year and a half (since my workout partner had a baby and stopped working out with me). I also hadn't been working out enough. I also got an addiction to sugary beverages (specifically Starbucks Frappucino's and Fat Free Whip Free Rasberry Mochas... 200 calories per drink X ~4 a day adds up), and I randomly snacked a good bit.

    Being consious of what you eat is a GREAT start. Cardio should be the crux of your focus but don't forget the muscle work (if you have a good trainer they'll take care of all of this for you, but the bottom line is if you cut that many calories and don't do serious muscle work, you'll burn your muscle frame and weigh less but still not look any better).

    Whew! Just some advice; while I've only been "back on dieting" for a week (I look good, but a little bit is "starting to form" on my tummy area, and I don't want it to expand. Plus I got in a bet with some friends :)), I've previously had two other phases (one about 12 years ago when I lost 50 pounds, and one 3 years ago when I lost 20; every now and again I just "slip" and have to get refocused). On this week I'm already down 4 pounds. There is straight science and math in losing weight; don't fall for some of the fad diets people want to do, shortcuts never work for anything in life. Just eat healthy, track your calories on here, and work well with your trainer, and you'll hit your goals.

    Good luck :).

    "diet to lose weight":
    "lose weight in 2 weeks":
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