Looking for friends/motivational buddies

Hey everyone,

My name is Melissa. I am new here to MyFitnessPal Forums and I'm looking for friends to keep up the motivation on both ends. I don't bite. hehe :laugh:


  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
  • Hi Melissa,
    I'm new also, so I'll be happy to be motivation buddies!
  • Hey I'm Nicole feel free to add me :)
  • I just sent you a request!
  • I'm only 1 week in so still new. I can always use more motivation buddies.
  • Hi Im back on Fitness Pal! My name is Collins and I just wanted to reintroduce myself :) Hope everyone is having a good day so far!
  • ellaraenae1
    ellaraenae1 Posts: 21 Member
    I am one week new to the site -- still figuring it out -- but found everyone to be super supportive --

    Please add me --

    I am using my daughters CrossFit firends diet -- and have added more exercise to my life --

    Don't think this is typical but 8.5 this week -- today is actual weigh-in day for me --

    I have 50 pounds to loose so I am sure it's why I lost so much to this point -- plus diet is pretty crazy --

    From me to you -- you can do it -- we are all here for you -- good luck --
  • Hi I am new to the community boards too. Please feel free to send me a friend request. I am only just getting started so this is the right time to encourage each other
  • Welcome!! I'm always looking for motivational buddies, feel free to add me! :)
  • blebovitz
    blebovitz Posts: 5 Member
    I am really working at this hard, but gained over a pound this week and do not know why, I stay within my calorie allowance, cardio and weights 5 times a week, what am I doing wrong, I am frustrated, but I am not going to cheat!!!!!! Anyone have any answers. I have yo, yo dieted all my life, on thyroid meds, blood pressure meds, acid reflux meds, I am tired of taking all of this. Someone please respond. I am older than most of you, will be 65 next month and do not work anymore.
  • Welcome Melissa. I'm sort of new here also and just recently started posting Will send you a friend request and anyone here please feel free :) I'm Jessica
  • I'm new too. I find this hard to keep at when you don't have support and the last thing I want to do is fall off the wagon, especially since I just started.
  • Hi everyone!

    I am new as well. Still figuring out how to use the site. I would love some motivation as I have been eating well, but not getting all the exercise in....

    I'm not sure what it means to add someone? But if that's a good thing, please add me. I need the support:)
  • rayne133
    rayne133 Posts: 33 Member
    Sounds like you are hitting plateau and adding more muscle. Give it a few weeks. If you don't start seeing a loss try redoing the BMR calculator and adjusting your calories (which doesn't always mean you need to eat less, sometimes you need to eat more). Don't be frustrated. Veiw it as a body change that you need to listen to. :)
  • Hi,
    I am new here also going to turn 65 in a few months. I have a goal of not turning 65 as I am now @ 220 . I have been walking now for 64 days & worked up to 10,000 steps for about 75 min. I watch everything I eat & drink lots of water but have only lost around 3 lbs. My daughter says it's my age & metabolism!!! THANKS Jill !!! Read somewhere the other day that apple cider vinegar would up the metabolism, so needless to say I'm giving it a try, it's been a week now but I haven't been on the scales. I have considered throwing the scales out & just going with measurements . What do you do ? I have a lot of stress in my life with an aging mother who has Alzheimer's & lives in our sleepy little town. Also have a brother who lives here in town that doesn't do anything to help out. So how do you get rid of the stress ??? Probably not !!!
    Anyway...maybe together .....
  • added :)
  • Hi I'm Tara, started my profile a few months ago but didn't start using the site till a few days ago so I'm still trying to get the hang of it. I would love to motivate others as well as gain extra support, feel free to add me! :)
  • nicosland
    nicosland Posts: 85 Member
    feel free to add me!
  • I will send you a friend request. We need all the support we can get! :)