Ladies, tell me about your tummies



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you ate within 24 hrs prior to taking a look at your belly, you would have a bulging stomach, no matter how thin you are. The models with flat bellies in the pics fast for a day or two before the shots. If you had at least one child, the bulge after eating will likely be more pronounced. Reducing bloating substances in your diet will help (grains, dairy, cabbages, fruit, legumes; see GAPS diet for recommendations)

    Um ... What??? :huh:

    So, what about all those women with the flat stomachs we see eating food or just after they've eaten food? Sometimes even <gasp> eating grains, dairy, cabbages, fruit, and/or legumes. I have eaten all those things regularly my entire life and had a flat stomach for most of it.

    If the only way to have a flat stomach were to fast for 24 hrs we'd see very few flat tummies and very hungry people on beaches. :wink:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    generally speaking, the stomach is the hardest place for women to lose fat, as the squishy bit below your bellybutton is there to protect your ovaries - i have been maintaining for a while but i still have that little bit of fat that wont budge!

    do u do strength training? if not start, it'll help with reducing bodyfat.

    True- very VERY true.

    I have a lovely adonis belt- and still feel there are times when I straight look fat- mostly due to the fact the shirt is emphasizing that little bit of belly fluff- rather than - masking it shall we say.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Still working at it. I'm down to 20.8% body fat and am just starting to see a 6-pack peeking through. You have to look closely, though, and I have to be flexing.

    I am an apple body type, so I figure I'll have visible abs at about 18% and I'll look pretty ripped at about 15-16% body fat.

    How your stomach looks is completely dependent on your body fat percentage and how your body stores fat. Women who store fat on the hips and thighs will have flatter abs sooner than women like me (all boobs and belly).
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