Morning exercise/eating.

Hi guys,

So i'm trying not to start another 'workout before or after breakfast thread' as mine is a bit different.

I'm trying to cycle 12 miles each way to work every day, leave at 8am arrive 9am. I'm aware there are supposed benefits on working out before breakfast for fat loss due to slight starvation through the night as you sleep. However, due to the distance I ride, Im worried I might have performance issues without having breakkie before. But I do like the thought of doing something before breakfast.

This morning i toyed with the idea (before my bed decided to turn itself to maximum comfort setting) that I would actually wake up at 630, go for a half hour walk (as the pre breakkie activity, breakfast at 7, then riding at 8am.

In an ideal world i'd like to massively oversleep, crawl out of bed 10 mins before getting on the bike, then eating at work when I arrive. just not sure how good that will be after a pretty intense 45 mins on the bike. Or is that the best option?

I guess my options are
1) 630am Walk 1/2 hour
7am (ish) breakfast
8am cycle to work

2) 7am Breakfast
8am Ride to work

3) 8am ride
930am ish breakfast at work.

Ideally wanting to lose about 3 stone, but also get better performance on the bike, and I have a feeling the best food plan might conflict depending on which one I want.


  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member

    Damn things disappear quick in the main forum room!
  • mindidily
    mindidily Posts: 196 Member
    I'd say do each for a bit and see which makes you feel best.
    Personally, I'd go for option 3. I usually run several miles in the morning and eat breakfast at work around 9:30.
    The morning I went on my 16 mile bike ride, I didn't eat first and I still felt fantastic.
  • weloveourboys
    weloveourboys Posts: 133 Member
    It hadn't even crossed my mind to not exercise on an empty stomach. I prefer it actually, as I find that I perform best when my body is not busy trying to digest. I often run first thing in the morning, and will run on an empty stomach if the run is 60 minutes or less. If I have to run longer I'll eat a banana 30 minutes before.
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    I always eat before and after I work out, but that's just my preference. Do what makes you feel the best.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Could you split up your breakfast so you aren't riding on an empty stomach but not waking up earlier either?

    I sleep until the last possible second, so I have apple or orange slices while I'm getting ready (or in the car), and then I have oatmeal or eggs or whatever when I get to work. You could eat something small before heading out the door, even if it's just a handful of almonds, and then eat the rest of your breakfast at work.
  • MrDelts
    MrDelts Posts: 209 Member
    Exercising on an empty stomach to burn fat really has to do with low intensity exercise. 65% of max HR for 30 mins max. Obviously what you're doing goes beyond that. The fact that you are concerned with performance really means that you should be fueling your body. If you're exercising and eating right, you're going to burn fat. No need for empty stomach cardio unless you plan on stepping onto a fitness stage at less then 5% bodyfat.

    You are also risking using muscle for energy when you workout vigorously on an empty stomach. If you really can't get yourself up an hour or two early to eat breakfast, I recommend carbing up bit at night so that you'll have the fuel to perform.

    I've been a trainer for 9 years. Empty stomach cardio is overrated and isn't necessary unless you are a bodybuilder preparing for a show or a fitness model preparing for a cover shoot.
  • delta90017
    I think 12 miles on anempty stomach is certan to result in decreased performance. I eat a half ration of oatmeal for the carbs needed for bikiing and get on the bike immediatley. It seems to work ok . . . than more food when it's over.
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    I agree with the poster who said try each option for a few days and see what works for you. Personally I cannot exercise before eating in the morning. I get ravenous, cranky and miserable about 2/3 through the workout and hate life til it's done. But that's me--you might thrive on the bike to work then eat plan. Try them out and see.
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    I would not jump out of bed and onto the bike and ride like hell. You will injure something. I would suggest getting up about 30 min before the bike ride, patter around the house while drinking a cup of coffee, make a few stretches and then start the ride. If you find that you flag during the ride, add half a tablespoon of butter or heavy cream to your coffee. That will keep you going & won't break the fasting mode.
  • moomaq
    moomaq Posts: 24 Member
    I'm the same,. i need maximum sleep and eat my breakfast in work.

    but an hour cycle before your breakfast might be a bit much, maybe try eat a bananan before you hop on your bike.
    it might give you an extra bit of energy.

    Then eat your bfast in work.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    If I work out first thing, I split my breakfast up. So I used to do a half cup of OJ and a half an english muffin with almond butter before and then after I would have the other half english muffin with almond butter plus a piece of fruit and tea...something like that. I found that the OJ was a quick sugar infusion to get me going and the muffin & almond butter kept my energy sustainable when I was working out. I experimented...I got weak and light headed without eating, I got nauseous eating a full breakfast so I split it up.