Wanting more friends in their 20's!!



  • Nina_Crowson
    Im 25 w a 4 yr old son! :)

    You can friend me if you like!
  • Jthrock920
    Jthrock920 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, I'm 25 and working towards getting healthy for the kids my wife and I are about to have. I'd love to start getting friends on here. So far my wife and I just write messages back and forth to each other. Add away!
  • MrBryGuy
    MrBryGuy Posts: 115
    Welcome Adrienne! This is a great site for motivation and support. I was off for awhile, but now back in it and looking for awesome friends for support. Feel free to send me a request!
  • xticklesx
    Hiya! I'm Emjay, 21 from LONDON,
    I'm a student, living the university life and piling the pounds on, :S
    time to change that!! :P add me :)
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    hey! :D 21, been on here 170 days, and my old profile 75 days x
  • TumblingSuperhero
    TumblingSuperhero Posts: 16 Member
    I'm exactly 20, wanting to drop about 20 lbs, so feel free to add me, too :-) [This applies to everybody around here, it's nice having awesome friends :-)]
  • J_Thebault
    I'm 26! You are more than welcome to add me! -just looking for some positive feedback from people around my age as well!
  • KelliK910
    Hey everyone.. I am 27.. no kids but I am engaged. I gained weight from taking some medicine that I have sine stopped taking and I am now trying to get it off. I have lost 10 lbs so far and i have about 30 more to go. It seems steep, but I am very petite and I gain a pound and it's very noticeable. I joined the gym about 5 months ago and lost 3 lbs right away. I since plateaued because I was not working on my diet and just maintaining my weight. I have now conquered the gym and have worked on my diet for a month and I am down 7 lbs within a months time totaling 10 lb loss. I hope by Christmas time I will have lost about 10-15 lbs more and down a pant size or 2. Keep up the good work everyone and feel free to add me if you'd like! *Kelli*