P90X ,,, What do you think ?

Hello everyone
i am thinking of getting the P90X and give it a try, now it wont be cheap to buy so i want to make sure that I am not just wasting money
any feed back would be really great
Thank you


  • fitbugfreak
    fitbugfreak Posts: 86 Member
    It's a great workout - I have done 2 rounds and on my 3rd which I am splitting with Insanity!!!!
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    I think you can get better results without fad workouts. Maybe give this a look http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/686963-large-collection-of-info-for-beginners
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    I am a fan... obviously! But the reason that I am a fan is because I am proof that the program works :) I am beginning Phase III of the program tonight and I have gotten great results this round. I completed my first round about two years ago and my results were great then too...

    The secret of the program:

    - It takes the guess-work out of creating a program... all you have to do is push play
    - You get out of it what you put into it... BRING IT and you will have stellar results
    - You may get tired of the jokes by Phase III and you may want to select the cues only mode
    - You MUST take progress pictures and take the time to review them... compare them and really analyze them - this will keep you motivated
    - You will transform your body, your mind and your fitness level... are you ready for that?!

    Have fun with the program and push play everyday... the results will be worth it!

    If you have questions for me... please feel free to message me :)
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I enjoyed my 3 months of p90x.. its a fun structured workout. Its a longer workout with most of them being an hour, to an hour and 15 minutes with ab ripper x, gotta do it everyday except your off day, and you gotta work hard and push yourself on every exercise to get the best results. If you can stand Tony and his mindless comments by the second month, you will make it.. Also I subbed out the Yoga X routine with Cardio X as well I hate yoga and its the longest workout (after the second month). Lastly you have to eat accordingly, so try to take what the nutrition guide tells you and follow it.. and the Guide isn't going to tell you to eat 1200 calories a day, your going to have to eat, and eat more protein based foods then most people are probably used to.
    I lost about 20lbs doing it. But you have got to Bring it!
  • I LOVE P90X. It's more than worth it.
  • kejurek
    kejurek Posts: 28 Member
    P90X is amazing. I know the cost worries some people but that is the only time you'll have to pay that fee! It's a little over 100 dollars but you'll have that program for life. It's a great investment.
  • BeckySBowen
    BeckySBowen Posts: 59 Member
    My husband and I bought this years ago, but just started it back in the spring. We lasted for about 3 weeks...it is a killer workout! There are so many moves/exercises that I could not physically do. I tore my right shoulder up (which I'm still recovering from) and lost no weight at all. MFP has been the key for us! But, I still struggle with exercise because of the shoulder issue.
  • I have never diligently stuck to the P90X routine... however I do really like it for supplements to my workout and running, it helps me mix things up when I get bored with my routine. And it's very handy in the winter when it is too nasty outside to get to the gym!