Planet Fitness



  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member


    It depends on each gym-at least the 5 PF I've been to around me. Some of them limit how many times you can bring someone with you, others don't care as long as you're a member and your guest signs in on their list.

    COOL..THANKS!! :)
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    I think this gym is just fine. I have a membership and see nothing wrong with it.

  • bella24xo
    bella24xo Posts: 177 Member
    i go to planet fitness because 1) its right by my job and 2) it is a very good price...i like many , have the black card membership so i can go tanning and it totalllyyy worth it. i also like the fact there is ALWAYS machines available to do your cardio on, my last gym it wasent like that...soo if thats ur focus..GO FOR IT :)!
  • mandy_lee86
    mandy_lee86 Posts: 103 Member
    cardio is what i am looking for so i think i will go check them out. i have enjoyed taking walks outdoors but it is going to get cold soon so i want to be able to still walk and had some elliptical and cycling also..i think i will try them out :)

    you have to add some weights in with your cardio... if not your skin may not bounce back and you will increase your odds of needing to have the extra skin removed...
  • larsmac83
    At my PF, the black card allows you to take someone with you each time you go to your 'home' gym an unlimited amount of times. If you go to another PF, they limit how many times you can bring someone along. But my fiance and I actually do the black card, because we go together when we go.
  • Anaconda62
    I've been going since January. I like it a lot. It's cheap, convenient, and the whole thing about them having no weights is ridiculous. They have plenty of free weights. They don't have a squat rack, which I think is what most people complain about, but mine has recently added more free weights with a new remodel. I am doing 5x5 Stronglifts and so far I find that it meets my needs.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    People on here know I hate PF. BUT... if you've never been to a gym before regularly and you want somewhere to start. I would suggest it. Just make sure to learn how to use ALL the equipment PROPERLY first, that includes free weights. Don't look at the other people in there to see if you're doing it right because chances are they AREN'T doing it right. Ask the people that work there or ask us! Or look up proper form on the internet. Just don't use the other gym members as a guide for how to do an exercise.
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    At my PF, the black card allows you to take someone with you each time you go to your 'home' gym an unlimited amount of times. If you go to another PF, they limit how many times you can bring someone along. But my fiance and I actually do the black card, because we go together when we go.

    Yea me and my boyfriend would be going and to only one location because the others are too far..thanks for the info :)
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    I've been driving myself crazy trying to figure out where my husband and I can go for some weight training that we can afford. It looks like it will be PF.
  • ladioffaith
    I'm leaning toward PF also. There is a new one that is about 6-8 miles from my work and 10 miles from home. 10 miles is pretty standard where I live. There is one that is a little more convenient but cost is way higher.

    They do have free weights and training.

    Right now my local club has a $10 registration fee instead of the usual $60.

    Anybody know if I can upgrade to "black" down the road? I'm not thrilled with that but if I get diagnosed with a D deficiency and get told to do tanning I guess I'll add it in.

    Oh and FYI, Laura, maybe it would be best for you to get a "black" card and bring Hubby with you every time you go! Unless he sees himself going without you ...
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    I've been driving myself crazy trying to figure out where my husband and I can go for some weight training that we can afford. It looks like it will be PF.

    yaaay!! I am thinking I am going to join next month too. I will go and check them out this saturday :)
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    I love planet fitness. Unless you're some freak of nature they have plenty of free weights to meet needs. With the black card I have access to tanning, red light therapy, massage bed and chair, and they have a pt on staff. The personal trainer doesn't do one on one's but run small classes for people unsure where/how to start.

    I'm only familiar with the PF I go to, so maybe other clubs are different.

    i am nowhere near a freak of nature but from what i have read they dont have the proper weights for me(no deadlifts, dumbbells too low weight etc..)

    but PF does seem like a decent place to get started on if you are on a budget.
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    Thanks for all the replies :)