What keeps you going??

I want hear what keeps all of you motivated to NEVER GIVE UP! I want to hear your goals, long term and short term.

My goal is to be able to wear the most AMAZING red dress for the December holidays and look just as amazing as that dress. So needless to say I have about 65 days to get that accomplished.

So lets hear em??


  • Paige29072
    Paige29072 Posts: 1 Member
    I try to sign up for monthly 5Ks. This gives me a reason that I HAVE to go to the gym to run or lift weights. So short term that is what keeps me motivated.

    Long term, I am planning a vacation to New Zealand in January. It'll be summer there, so I want to wear shorts, a bathing suit, be fit & in shape to go hiking or be on my feet all day.
  • stbrad6896
    I kept most of my old clothes and have some really cute numbers I'd love to be able to wear again. Also I want to have that good feeling when I look in the mirror, and I want to be healthy so I can live longer and enjoy my life. When I eat right I have more energy, and feel so much better overall. Another motivator - I want all my friends and family to know I can do this - that I didn't just give up and let myself go
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    When I first started to work out it was for looks and looks where my only motivation. Was fat and not attractive, etc. Now I work out for few months and when I first started I did not though that I will ever say that but I actually enjoy that now. I just love how it feels at and after workout. I guess I got addicted...
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Lots of things help to keep me going.

    I lost 1.4 pounds today, and discovered a new goal: I haven't worn jeans in several years, and want to weigh close to what I did the last time I remember wearing them - about 200 lbs. That's about 73 pounds away. (I've lost 100 so far.)

    I use a Fitbit, and the data from it, and from logging on MFP, helps keep me on track because Fitbit will show a chart that shows calories burned vs. calorie intake. As long as the calories burned line is above the calorie intake line, I'm going to lose weight. Plus - MFP shows the "if you do this for 5 weeks, you'll weigh this much" - I've never actually tracked to see if it's on target because my numbers keep going down, and that's really what I care about - losing weight, and as long as I have all the data that shows my numbers should go down, and they ARE going down, I'm happy!

    Plus - stuff like "non scale victories: I went to put on my winter coat two weeks ago, and it almost wrapped around me twice! I was swimming in it!! And to show that to people is really fun! LOL
  • kinrsa
    kinrsa Posts: 111 Member
    Gotta be bikini-ready for a resort weekend in January (middle of summer here).

    Then I'm headed back to the US for their summer, so I've gotta keep the bikini-readiness.

    And then by the time I'm back in the southern hemisphere it'll be our spring & summer again.

    Basically I plan to spend most of 2012 - 2014 in a bikini due to my hemisphere hopping.:glasses:
  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
    I want hear what keeps all of you motivated to NEVER GIVE UP! I want to hear your goals, long term and short term.

    My goal is to be able to wear the most AMAZING red dress for the December holidays and look just as amazing as that dress. So needless to say I have about 65 days to get that accomplished.

    So lets hear em??

    A few things keep me going.....
    - seeing the scale go down every morning
    -my before pictures....( they are HORIFIC-check them out, u'll agree)
    -feeling more comfortable in clothes as the days go by
    -a few pieces of clothiing i bought some sizes smaller.... i look at them every day, im SO eager to wear them :)
    -my boyfriend (he commented some time ago when i told him i was about to start watching my foods that "i'm always on a diet"...with a sarcastic tone off coure. Truth is he was correct, i'd pick up a diet and within a few weeks go back to my old habits. I WANNA PROVE HIM WRONG and STICK to this goal of losing the weight.
    -simply not wanting to go back to where i was

    My goals...
    -be in the 160's...im 2 lbs away
    -to be able to wear one of the dresses i bought for christmas dinner... and look STUNNING in it
    -drop 15-20 lbs by December 25th... becasue i WILL Be indulging fro Christmas
    -Overall goal is to be at 145 by End of January 2013
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    the fact that i have stuck with my fitness pal for over a month now...and its the longest "diet" ive even been with or is it on? and i keep losing as long as i keep trying...and cant wait to see the 150's im 2lbs away!!!!!!!!!
  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
    the fact that i have stuck with my fitness pal for over a month now...and its the longest "diet" ive even been with or is it on? and i keep losing as long as i keep trying...and cant wait to see the 150's im 2lbs away!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats on being so close to the 150's... i know the feeling... im 2lbs away form the 160's :).....getting there this week fuh suree...
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
    Lots of fiber!
  • GlutesthatSalute
    GlutesthatSalute Posts: 460 Member

    My goal is to be able to wear the most AMAZING red dress for the December holidays and look just as amazing as that dress. So needless to say I have about 65 days to get that accomplished.

    ^^ This exactly, already have my eye on the one I want. Also being single helps bc you always wana look your best to get the best.. Then there's the beach here in fl which you can visit almost year round.. Shopping always motivates me.. I love wearing cute trendy things n it's usually a bit pricey.. I hate to see out of shape people sporting designer duds, they should invest in thier health first.. IMO
  • rrrbecca11
    I think I am a self-motivated, self-perpetuating and goal-oriented person. I don't really need anything except my desire for good health and fitness to keep me going. Of course, I love to exercise...running, weight training, all of it. I'm happy with my current weight but would like to keep amping up my fitness level. For 55 yo, I don't do too shabby. :bigsmile:
  • heypurdy
    heypurdy Posts: 196 Member
    I try to sign up for monthly 5Ks. This gives me a reason that I HAVE to go to the gym to run or lift weights. So short term that is what keeps me motivated.

    Long term, I am planning a vacation to New Zealand in January. It'll be summer there, so I want to wear shorts, a bathing suit, be fit & in shape to go hiking or be on my feet all day.

    Same here! I've been signing up for running races to keep me involved in fitness and that way i'm always striving to reach a goal. Also, I want to reach the weight I was in college, that's a big motivator. And bikini season!!
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
    My little guy in my profile picture keeps me going. I want to be a good example for my family. My son has asthma and many allergies. When he does not feel well he never complains or wants to give up. Why should I then?
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    I am 41 and I never want to "look" 41. I want to have amazing abs and a tight body. Looking in the mirror every day and seeing results from my work outs makes me keep wanting to reach higher.
  • soulfulsally
    Well, it's certainly not my rapid weight loss pushing me onward, lol. (24 days and no loss yet.) My kids keep me going. I want to be around during their adult years and see them flourish in the world.
  • soulfulsally
    My little guy in my profile picture keeps me going. I want to be a good example for my family. My son has asthma and many allergies. When he does not feel well he never complains or wants to give up. Why should I then?

    Aww, kids are strong like that, aren't they? I hope the asthma and allergies ease up for him one day soon.
  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    Seeing results and feeling good abut myself. There are days that I don't want to workout or eat good but I do! It has become second nature to me now. Getting closer to my goal every day!
  • running_shoe
    running_shoe Posts: 180 Member
    Goal #1: I want to be as healthy as I can be.
    Goal #2: I want hold onto youthfulness and beauty for as long as I can, hence #1.
  • Raya1980
    Knowing that it's all gonna be worth it, and looking great naked!
  • Yukongil
    Yukongil Posts: 166 Member
    my wife. We're recently married and I was diagnosed as diabetic. I want to get healthy for her (and for me) because she is an amazing woman and I want to have as much time with her as I can. Also, I don't want anything controlling me or holding me back from what I want, and I'm tired of being sick and tired, so that's my motivation.

    ...also, I want to look all musclely at the beach:tongue: