Fittest Loser

I am new to the site, but not the journey.

I wanted to share something! :) A little hope and Good Luck on my behalf would be super excellent right now. Here in Illinois there is a news paper known as the Daily Herald. And this is the second year they're having the "Fittest Loser" challenge. Now I took a brave step out of the water and onto land 3 weeks ago and joined an Aerobics class at the YMCA. This class was called "Losin' It". I haven't missed a class yet. I found out about the challenge at the YMCA. And since I already took the 1st step, why not take this 2nd one? SO, I applied online. It was hard for me to fit all of what I wanted to say about myself in the 200 word essay. But I did my best.

Today after the Losin' it class, I dropped my kids off at school and headed home. I checked my e-mail and there it was.

"Dear Wendy, You are in the top 15 finalists for the Fittest Loser Challenge."

Now, there can only be 5 contestants that get in. Pending an interview and doctors approval, I am hoping to be in those final 5. I'm scared to death, but how many other chances will I get? If I get in, If I get this opportunity, there is no way that I am going backwards. No way at all.

So any luck, hope, prayers, anything at all to keep my game face on and get me in this thing, Please send it my way. Thank you!

Here is a link to last years contestants:
