How to do 30 day shred

I just started 30 day shred. I found it on youtube. I see that there are different levels and even a level one yoga. Do I just do what I want or is there a schedule? Like do I do level one for so many weeks then go to level two, or do I do level one for 30 days then go up? I started yesterday and I'm loving it so far. Please assist me with this.


  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    the yoga is not part of the shred; it is part of a different set of JM's videos.

    the theory of 30ds is that you start with level1, do that for as many days as you need until you are ready to move on to level 2
    (i will warn that level 2 is substantially harder than level 1 haha =) )

    so most people do 10 days work out @ each level with some rest days in there to allow your muscles to recoop
  • tracypk
    tracypk Posts: 233 Member
    Would you reccomend doing other Jillian videos along with 30DS? Like the yoga one.