Going to the gym and shift work?

ERnurse Posts: 77
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Just wanted to see what other shift workers do about this - I will be going back to shifts and some of them are 12's - I was trying to decide if going before my shift starts if I am on nights would be a better option than trying to do it after - I am usually not in any mood to do anything except go to bed after a night shift...I find it hard though when on 12's because obviously there are not enough hours in the day to accomodate a decent sleep and everything else that you want to do...so just wondering what others strategies have been.


  • I used to work a 4/10 shift (4 x 10 hour days) and often felt the same way when I would get home (they were overnight shifts to boot). I found that if I worked out in the morning right after I got off shift, it actually helped me sleep better when I finally did get to bed vs. waking up and having to work out before I go to work.

    I have colleagues that work 3/12's, and they usually work out before they start their 3 day shifts, then use the next 2 days as their "off" days and will take advantage of their 4 days off to do their regular workouts.
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    I did 11p-7a shifts and some of those I would get forced into 12 - 16 hours. I found working out before hand gave me some pep to get through the night. Now I'm just part time at that place and I do 11p-11a on the weekends, so I sleep before I go in after my present full time job, but if I have enough energy, I'll do a little yoga to release and help me sleep better.
  • I don't have 12 hour shifts, but I work till 11pm and wake up with the kiddos at 6:30am so I am pretty much on a 12-17 hour shift, I know it's different :) Anyway days that I work I go to the gym after and days I don't I usually do it in the am. I find that i sleep a ton better if I do it at night and while i don't get as much sleep it is so much more restfull.
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