Doing it the Old Fashion Way

Howdy all, my name is Josh and I've decided to lose this mass on my body. I've been overweight for most of my life and when I reached 300 pounds, I knew it was time for a change. I've tried many different ways to lose weight and each time I would reach a plateau, get discouraged and eventually gain the weight back. This time I'm doing it the way doctors always tell you to do it - exercise, watching my diet and how much I eat.

I stopped drinking so much sodas, energy drinks and candy and it lead me to lose 15 pounds in one week. I started walking in the morning and eating more fruits and veggies. That helped me drop down to 250 pounds but I started to plateau and wasn't sure if I was doing things right. I didn't know if I was eating the proper amount of calories that I needed in a day. Not getting enough carbs and calories in tends to put your body, as most on here might know, in starvation mode. I was eating tons of fruits in the morning with my oatmeal, eat a chicken breast in the afternoon and struggle to find something decent in the evening. Most times it would be a salad.

I scrolled around apps on my phone and that's when I discovered My Fitness Pal. It's an incredible app. I'm not telling anyone on here anything new about it, but I'm glad I found it and I would like to thank the people who created it. With it I track my calories better, I actually pay attention to serving sizes and how to measure my foods out. I've lost an additional 11 pounds with the help of this app.

My last weigh in was a year ago using my nephew's Wii Fit and it was 280. I know I was well over that though, but I can't officially claim that. I'm now down to 239, just 14 pounds away from my weight in high school. People are saying I'm looking really good. I feel good and I'm much happier than I was before. I'm walking/jogging 4 miles in the morning in an hour and 5 minutes, a big improvement when it use to take me 2 hours to walk it.
